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Amir el Mou'minîn, l'IMAM Ali Ibn Abi Tâlib, as.

Wa salam wa rahmatulah,

Salam Soeur Fatima

peux tu m'en dire davantage sur la portée et le sens de cette citation

MErci wa salam

Voyez en dessous de son pseudo, le symbole genre est bleu akhi...lol. Ya Fatima_al_ Zahra est un frère ! mdr

Bienvenue à vous au passage très cher frère...

Salam wa rahmatulah wa barakatuh.
Autant pour moi

Autant pour moi,

Je suis confu mAnque de lucidité peut-etre ou bien faute de pas avoir pris la peine de consulter le profil Cela dit les premiers ne se font ils jamais de manière hésitante . En voici la preuve...
Les procédures ne m'échappent pourtant habituellement pas mais ainsi soit-il.

Merci Frère ou soeur Yateem ???? hihi pour votre hospitalité et à bientot.

Fi amanillah
Salam Kamal (le distrait, lol)

(...) Comment devons nous recevoir le (?) celui de l'islam et de Ses représentants?

Euh, le quoi au juste? (lol)

Je suis confu mAnque de lucidité peut-etre ou bien faute de pas avoir pris la peine de consulter le profil Cela dit les premiers ne se font ils jamais de manière hésitante . En voici la preuve...

Qu'entendez-vous par les premiers? :)

Sinon, j'ai également envie d'en (-tamer des discussions philosophiques) savoir plus sur ce Point sous la lettre Ba.
Autant pour moi,
Je suis confu mAnque de lucidité peut-etre ou bien faute de pas avoir pris la peine de consulter le profil Cela dit les premiers ne se font ils jamais de manière hésitante . En voici la preuve...
Les procédures ne m'échappent pourtant habituellement pas mais ainsi soit-il.

Merci Frère ou soeur Yateem ???? hihi pour votre hospitalité et à bientot.

Fi amanillah
Lol. Je suis un frère ! mdr. Pas de problème akhi, cependant, je vous disais que vous pouviez voir ici le "genre" de <-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------l'intervenant, sans avoir à cliquer sur le profil.

Vous voyez le
bleu ou le
rose ?

Que Dieu vous garde...

Salam wa rahmatulah.

Salam Kamal (le distrait, lol)

Euh, le quoi au juste? (lol)

Qu'entendez-vous par les premiers? :)

Sinon, j'ai également envie d'en (-tamer des discussions philosophiques) savoir plus sur ce Point sous la lettre Ba.

C'est en effet ma distraction ou la précipitation ou que sais je encore qui me fais oublier le reste de mes phrases je voulais dire les premiers pas et rien d'autre à quoi tu as pu penser par exmple. Mais je tacher de soigner le style à l'avenir et de pofiner mes phrases. Bien à vous, chère soeur car je sias maintenant que je dois consulter le profil avant de me prononcer sur le genre de chacun de nous pour éviter les confusions.

Wa salam. Que dDieu vous fortifie dans son sentier et fasse de vous une invocatrice pour la venue du mahdi(ajr).
Paroles d IMAM ALI AS

Le succès est le résultat de la prospective et de la résolution, la prévision dépend de profonde réflexion et de la planification et le facteur le plus important de la planification est de garder vos secrets pour vous.

(Dans La Voie de l eloquence)
P s :juste pour les gens qui sont a la fois sur mejliss.com,je viens de me faire "susprendre" par leur moderateur 28 pour avoir poster cette meme parole de l IMAM ALI AS sur leur site.
Je doutais que ces gens soient des ennemis des AHLUL BAYT AS.
Aujourd hui j en ai eu la confirmation.
Faites passer le message.
Assalam alaykom,

Paroles de l'Imam Ali (as) :

Le jour que vous êtes en train de vivre
est peut-être le seul qu'il vous reste
pour espérer, désirer et travailler,
et passé ce jour, peut survenir
le très grand vide de la mort.
Quiconque travaille durant ce temps
d'espoir et d'espérance
devra récolter le moisson de son labeur,
et la mort ne lui pesera pas.
Mais la personne qui ne se soucie guère
d'utiliser cette période utilement
perd son temps et gaspille son travail,
et la mort sera pour lui une calamité."

( Extrait de "Nahj al-Balghahah")

Merci pour cela
Assalam alaykom,

Paroles de l'Imam Ali (as) :

Le jour que vous êtes en train de vivre
est peut-être le seul qu'il vous reste
pour espérer, désirer et travailler,
et passé ce jour, peut survenir
le très grand vide de la mort.
Quiconque travaille durant ce temps
d'espoir et d'espérance
devra récolter le moisson de son labeur,
et la mort ne lui pesera pas.
Mais la personne qui ne se soucie guère
d'utiliser cette période utilement
perd son temps et gaspille son travail,
et la mort sera pour lui une calamité."

( Extrait de "Nahj al-Balghahah")

Assalam alaykom,

Merci à vous cher frère Papajoe d'avoir ouvert un sujet sur les paroles de l'Imam Ali (as).
Comme l'a dit notre Prophète :saws: : "Ali est avec le Vrai et le Vrai est avec Ali". Toutes ses paroles sont sources de Sagesse et de Vérité.

Une autre parole de l'Imam (as) :
"Quiconque considère que son opinion est
suffisamment juste
pour n'avoir pas besoin d'être confronté
à celle des autres,
ni de les consulter,
s'empêtrera dans des difficultés..."

essalamou 3aleiykoum

je vous propose quelque hadiths de Imam Ali :as:

*-L'homme sage compte sur son travail, l'ignorant se fie à ses illusions.

*- L'ignorance est votre ennemi le plus odieux.

*- On est hostile envers ce que l'on ignore.

*- Le savant reste vivant même après sa mort; l'ignorant est mort même de son vivant.

*- Le savoir est un vaste trésor qui ne s'épuise pas; la sagesse est un habit neuf qui ne s'use pas.

*- L'ignorant ne sait pas reconnaître ses fautes et dédaigne les conseils.

ellahoma sali ala mohamed wa ala ali mohamed

Merci a toi aussi pour ces paroles de l IMAM ALI AS
N hesitez pas a en rajouter sur ce fil
essalamou 3aleiykoum

je vous propose quelque hadiths de Imam Ali :as:

*-L'homme sage compte sur son travail, l'ignorant se fie à ses illusions.

*- L'ignorance est votre ennemi le plus odieux.

*- On est hostile envers ce que l'on ignore.

*- Le savant reste vivant même après sa mort; l'ignorant est mort même de son vivant.

*- Le savoir est un vaste trésor qui ne s'épuise pas; la sagesse est un habit neuf qui ne s'use pas.

*- L'ignorant ne sait pas reconnaître ses fautes et dédaigne les conseils.

ellahoma sali ala mohamed wa ala ali mohamed

Autres paroles interessantes d IMAM ALI AS

Anyone who loves us Ahlul Bayt must be ready to face a life of austerity. - Imam Ali (AS)
Traduction approximative:
Celui qui aimes les AHLUL BAYT AS doit se preparer a affronter une vie d austerite

(dans Voie de l Equolence)
Voie de l eloquence

Les gens haissent(detestent)souvent les choses qu ils ne conaissent pas ou qu ils ne peuvent pas comprendre
le 18 dou lhijja prochain c est la fete de l intronisation de ALI comme Imam

le 18 dou lhijja prochain c est la fete de l intronisation de ALI comme Imam et guide des croyants et de tous les musulmans

clikez sur ce lien pour découvrir les mérites de ce jour et la nature des actes à y accomplir

Mariage de Fatîma et Ali S

Assalam Aalaykum,

Allahomma salé 'ala Mohammad wa alé Mohammad

J'ai une question inshaAllah, j'aimerai savoir à quel âge s'était marié Fatima zahra S avec imam Ali S ? Il y a une soeur qui m'a dit qu'elle avait 9 ans, je ne sais pas si c'est vrai.
Je voudrais savoir aussi s'il existe un article ou un livre en ligne qui parle de Fatima S

Merci d'avance :happy:

Allahomma salé 'ala Mohammad wa alé Mohammad

Wa Salam !
Assalam Aalaykum,

Allahomma salé 'ala Mohammad wa alé Mohammad

J'ai une question inshaAllah, j'aimerai savoir à quel âge s'était marié Fatima zahra S avec imam Ali S ? Il y a une soeur qui m'a dit qu'elle avait 9 ans, je ne sais pas si c'est vrai.
Je voudrais savoir aussi s'il existe un article ou un livre en ligne qui parle de Fatima S

Merci d'avance :happy:

Allahomma salé 'ala Mohammad wa alé Mohammad

Wa Salam !

Wa Aleikum As Salam Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh,

Allâhumma Salli 'ala Mohammad Wa Âli Mohammad,

Tout d'abord Insa Allah que ton année de 17 ans se déroulera au mieux :

J'implore Allah (SWT) de faire en sorte que tu puisse accomplir le maximum de prières.

J'implore Allah (SWT) d'accepter tes Dua.

Allâhumma Salli 'ala Mohammad Wa Âli Mohammad.

Concernant l'âge de Fatima Az Zahra (as) lors de son mariage avec Imam Ali Ibn Abi Taleb (as), je ne sais pas, Insa Allah (SWT) que je vais me renseigner Insa Allah, par contre l'histoire des 9 ans j'avais entendu le même âge pour Aicha avec Ar Rasul (SAWAS), peut-être que vous avez confondu ?

Allahu A3lem !

Voici des liens d'articles concernant Fatima Az Zahra (as) : http://www.alhassanain.com/french/book.php?showbook=showbook&booktopicz_id=31

J'ai certains livre, veux-tu Insa Allah que je te les scan et les envoie par mail ?

En en es-tu pour l'apprentissage Masa Allah ? Moi il faut que j'apprenne certaines surat de Juz Amma et je saute Insa Allah à Surat Al Baqara :)

PS : fais-tu l'intention de mémoriser ? Moi, je ne sais pas si c'est obligatoire mais je fais l'intention, de lire et réciter au mieux, comprendre au maximum, appliquer au maximum et mémoriser Al Kuran Al Karim Kurbatan Ilallahi Ta3ala

Qu'Allah (SWT) agréer nos actes

Allâhumma Salli 'ala Mohammad Wa Âli Mohamamad
Wa Aleikum As Salam Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh,

Allâhumma Salli 'ala Mohammad Wa Âli Mohammad,

Tout d'abord Insa Allah que ton année de 17 ans se déroulera au mieux :

J'implore Allah (SWT) de faire en sorte que tu puisse accomplir le maximum de prières.

J'implore Allah (SWT) d'accepter tes Dua.

Allâhumma Salli 'ala Mohammad Wa Âli Mohammad.

Concernant l'âge de Fatima Az Zahra (as) lors de son mariage avec Imam Ali Ibn Abi Taleb (as), je ne sais pas, Insa Allah (SWT) que je vais me renseigner Insa Allah, par contre l'histoire des 9 ans j'avais entendu le même âge pour Aicha avec Ar Rasul (SAWAS), peut-être que vous avez confondu ?

Allahu A3lem !

Voici des liens d'articles concernant Fatima Az Zahra (as) : http://www.alhassanain.com/french/book.php?showbook=showbook&booktopicz_id=31

J'ai certains livre, veux-tu Insa Allah que je te les scan et les envoie par mail ?

En en es-tu pour l'apprentissage Masa Allah ? Moi il faut que j'apprenne certaines surat de Juz Amma et je saute Insa Allah à Surat Al Baqara :)

PS : fais-tu l'intention de mémoriser ? Moi, je ne sais pas si c'est obligatoire mais je fais l'intention, de lire et réciter au mieux, comprendre au maximum, appliquer au maximum et mémoriser Al Kuran Al Karim Kurbatan Ilallahi Ta3ala

Qu'Allah (SWT) agréer nos actes

Allâhumma Salli 'ala Mohammad Wa Âli Mohamamad

Qu'Allah agrée nos actes bee haqé Mohammad wa alé Mohammad ! Amin
Allahomma salé 'ala Mohammad wa alé Mohammad

Ne t'inquiète pas mon frère, pour ce qui est de l'histoire de 'Aeisha, je n'ai pas confondu car je sais bien depuis toute petite qu'elle s'est marié à cette âge. Et dailleur je regrete d'en savoir plus sur cette femme que sur la meilleur des femmes de l'univers, celle que toutes les femmes doivent prendre pour modèle : Fatîma AS !

La soeur m'avait dit qu'elle a appris à la mosquée dans un cours (elle est chiite bien sûr) que Fatima s'est marié à 9 ans, qu'elle a passé 9 années chez le prophètes saws et 9 autres chez Ali as et qu'elle est morte à 18 ans... or moi j'ai toujours cru qu'elle était morte vers 24 ans... donc si elle s'est marié à 9ans, ça corespond pas trop !

Pour le lien, merci je vais aller voir, BarakaLahu 'alaik ! Et je ne veux pas te faire perdre du temps donc se n'est pas la peine que tu envoie par mail en tout cas merci beaucoup !!!!!

SubhanALLAH pour l'intention je viens d'y penser, je n'ai jamais fait ça merci pour ce rappel mashaAllah !!!
Stp mon frère répond sur le post des surat inshaAllah pour qu'il reste actif, je vais te répondre là bas

qu'ALLAH t'aide à apprendre surat al baqarah Allahomma salé ala Mohammad wa alé Mohammad (moi je connais je crois 40 versets de cette surat mais je vais l'a laisser pour plus tard, j'apprend d'abord chapitre amma ensuite je ferais les plus courtes (du genre les djinns, Al Muzzammil, Al Muddatthir...etc)
Ne t'inquiète pas mon frère, pour ce qui est de l'histoire de 'Aeisha, je n'ai pas confondu car je sais bien depuis toute petite qu'elle s'est marié à cette âge. (...) donc si elle s'est marié à 9ans, ça corespond pas trop !


Aisha ne pouvait pas avoir 9 ans, comme le démontrent ces faits historiques, mais plutôt 17 ans lorsqu'elle se maria. Par ailleurs, selon les dires des Imams (as) le Prophète (sawas) n'a jamais partagé sa couche avec cette femme qui a commis le nushuz, conformément aux prescriptions coraniques de Allah qui enjoint de se séparer du lit d'une femme qui viole la dignité de son mari :

Enemies of Islam – be they Christians, Jews or other groups have often used the matter of the Prophet's marriage (Allah's Peace and Blessings upon Him and His pure Family) to A'isha as a weapon against this Great Prophet (Allah's Peace and Blessings upon Him and His pure Family). They rely on that which was spread by A'isha about her having been married off to the Prophet (Allah's Peace and Blessings upon Him and His pure Family) when she was a girl of six and that he consummated his marriage to her when she was a girl of only nine. They say: "Look at how this old man married an innocent little girl young enough to be his granddaughter when he was over fifty years old! How could he live with himself taking away her childhood to satisfy his own needs? What sort of a Prophet is this who does something so inhumane?"
In spite of the fact that the account of the Prophet's marriage (Allah's Peace and Blessings upon Him and His pure Family) to A'isha when she was a child is not told by anyone else but A'isha herself – we find no hadith nabawi or any other hadith from a reliable source about it – the enemies of Islam continue to spread these lies dreamt up by A'isha without any proper historical research. They just rely on the accounts to be found in the Bakri sect's sources.
In fact those with a grudge against the Master of Prophets (Allah's Peace and Blessings upon Him and His pure Family) have exploited the fabricated hadith spread by A'isha through which she wanted to make people think that for the Prophet (Allah's Peace and Blessings upon Him and His pure Family), she was the youngest, most radiant, most beautiful and the favourite among his wives. Her claim that she was just a delicate and innocent child who was ripped away from her swing on which she used to play with her little friends when her mother shouted out to her and led her away so roughly that she could hardly catch her breath – without her knowing what was going to happen or what she was wanted for – to take her to the house of the Prophet who frightened her when he walked in on her when the bitter truth became clear to her that she had suddenly become a wife.
Firstly, let us shed light on the hadith fabricated by A'isha. Bukhari narrates on the authority of Hisham on the authority of his father on the authority of A'isha who said: "The Prophet (Allah's Peace and Blessings upon Him and His pure Family) married me when I was a girl of six. We went to Medina and stayed at the home of Bani al-Harith Ibn Khazraj. Then I got ill and my hair fell out. Later on my hair grew back and my mother, Umm Ruman, came to me while I was playing in a swing with some of my friends. She called me, and I went to her, not knowing what she wanted to do to me. She caught me by the hand and made me stand at the door of the house. I was breathless then, and when my breathing settled down, she took some water and rubbed my face and head with it. Then she took me into the house. There in the house I saw some Ansari women who said, "Best wishes and Allah's Blessing and good luck." Then she entrusted me to them and they prepared me (for the marriage). Unexpectedly Allah's Apostle came to me in the forenoon and my mother handed me over to him, and at that time I was a girl of nine years of age." (Sahih al-Bukhari vol 4 p251 and Sahih Muslim vol 4 p141).
In another hadith A'isha paints a picture of what happened to her in another scenario no less full of tragedy than the last because she claims that her mother sat her down – when she was just a poor child – on the lap of her husband who treated her cheaply and consummated his marriage to her in the house of her father. No wedding banquet was laid on for her to celebrate her marriage to him. No one else even brought them anything to eat!"
Ibn Hanbal reports on the authority of A'isha that she said, "My mother came to me while I was being swung on a swing between two branches and got me down. My nurse took over and wiped my face with some water and started leading me. When I was at the door she stopped so I could catch my breath. I was brought in while Muhammad was sitting on a bed in our house. Men and women from the Ansar were with him. She sat me down on his lap. Then, she said: "This is your family. May Allah bless you with them and may Allah bless them with you. The men and women jumped up and went out and the Messenger of Allah consummated his marriage to me in our house. No camel was slaughtered for me and no sheep was slaughtered for me until Sa'd Ibn Ibada sent us a bowl of grapes, something he would send to the Messenger of Allah whenever he would go round to his wives. At that time I was a girl of nine." (Musnad Ahmad Ibn Hanbal vol 6, p211)
In order to back up her claim that she was an innocent child who did not understand what was going on around her, she came up with another account in which she claimed that when she got married to the Prophet, (Allah's Peace and Blessings upon Him and His pure Family) she still had the dolls and figures she used to play with.
Muslim reports on the authority of Urwa on the authority of A'isha: "The Prophet (Allah's Peace and Blessings upon Him and His pure Family) married her when she was a girl of seven and she was taken to his house as a bride when she was nine, and her dolls were with her; and when he (the Holy Prophet) died she was eighteen years old." (Sahih Muslim vol 4 p142)
Moreover she claimed that she carried on playing with her dolls even after her move to the marital home and that the Greatest Prophet (Allah's Peace and Blessings upon Him and His pure Family) would find it soothing and would help her play with her little friends even though they would run away from him because they were scared of him.
Muslim reported on the authority of Hisham Ibn Urwa on the authority of A'isha, "That she used to play with girls in the presence of the Messenger of Allah (Allah's Peace and Blessings upon Him and His pure Family). She said, 'My friends would come to me and would hide from the Messenger of Allah!' She said: 'So the Messenger of Allah would call to them to play with me." (Sahih Muslim vol 7 p135 and similarly Sahih Ibn Hiban vol 13 p174 and Mu'jam al-Tabarani vol 23 p21).
Ibn Sa'd reports on the authority of Urwa on the authority of A'isha that she said, "The Messenger of Allah walked in on me one day while I was playing with some girls and he said, 'What is this, A'isha?' So she said Sulayman's horse and he laughed." (Al-Tabaqat al-Kubra by Ibn Sa'd vol 8 p62).
This is how A'isha tried to hold together this fictitious account of her being young when she married the Greatest Prophet (Allah's Peace and Blessings upon Him and His pure Family) except that no matter how hard the creators of the false account tried to hold it together, it just falls apart as one can see. Now let us respond to these lies in line with scientific and historical facts, even those recorded in sources belonging to the Bakri sect.
Firstly, if A'isha's claims had been true, she would not have contradicted herself. We have already seen the discrepancy between her saying that when she got married she was "a girl of six" and her saying "a girl of seven". Both statements are reported on the authority of her nephew 'Urwa'.
Secondly, Bukhari narrates on the authority of Hisham on the authority of his father who said, "Khadija passed away three years before the Prophet (Allah's Peace and Blessings upon Him and His pure Family) left for Madina. He let two years pass, more or less and then he married A'isha, a girl of six. Then he consummated his marriage to her when she was a girl of nine." (Sahih al-Bukhari vol 4 p252)
The opponents [to Ahlulbayt i.e. al-mukhalifun] treat this hadith as if it is also narrated on the authority of A'isha herself for Ibn Hajar says, "This appears mursal but given that it is narrated by 'Urwa', what with his detailed knowledge of A'isha's life story it is also deemed to be narrated on her authority." (Fath al-Bari fi Sharh Sahih al-Bukhari by Ibn Hajar al-Asqalani vol 7 p175)
This hadith would mean that A'isha's wedding could only have taken place the year before the hijra in view of the fact that she was a girl of six, because after Khadija's passing (Allah's blessings upon Her) the Prophet (Allah's Peace and Blessings upon Him and His pure Family) let two years pass, more or less, without remarrying. Khadija (Peace be upon Her) passed away three years before the hijra. Then, His having consummated His marriage to A'isha when she was a girl of nine could only have taken place two years after the hijra because this is the time interval between when she was six and when she was nine. A'isha would only have been nine two years after the hijra. On this basis the length of time she lived with the Prophet (Allah's Peace and Blessings upon Him and His pure Family) could not have been more than eight years because as everyone knows He became a martyr in year ten (Allah's Peace and Blessings upon Him and His pure Family).
This contradicts what A'isha claimed according to Muslim's hadith mentioned above – which said that she was taken as a bride, along with her dolls to the Prophet's house (Allah's Peace and Blessings upon Him and His pure Family) when she was a girl of nine and that he died when she was a girl of eighteen which means that she lived with him for nine years. This is confirmed in another hadith narrated by Bukhari on the authority of Hisham on the authority of his father, also on the authority of A'isha: "The Prophet married her when she was a girl of six and she was taken to his house when she was a girl of nine and she lived with him for nine years" (Sahih al-Bukhari vol 6 p134).
The hadiths cancel each other out. If the first is authentic, then the length of time A'isha lived with the Prophet (Allah's Peace and Blessings upon Him and His pure Family) was not nine years and if the second is authentic, then the Prophet (Allah's Peace and Blessings upon Him and His pure Family) did not marry her the year before the hijra or two years after the Mother of the Believers Khadija al-Kubra's passed away.
This is another contradiction A'isha has dropped herself into even though both sayings are narrated along the same chain [of narration] i.e. Hisham on the authority of her nephew Urwa. This contradiction obviously shows up the lie and fabrication. The Bakri sect cannot mitigate by saying something like these hadith are weak because they have decided that they are all authentic and to be without a doubt on the authority of A'isha.
Thirdly A'isha claimed that the Prophet (Allah's Peace and Blessings upon Him and His pure Family) said, "Oh Allah! In particular, strengthen Islam with Omar Ibn al-Khattab." (Mustadrak al-Hakim vol 3 p83).
We are not in the process of refuting this hadith, or proving that it was fabricated by A'isha; we only wanted to rely on it to prove a point. We say that this hadith is claimed to have been uttered before Omar had begun pretending to be a Muslim on the pretext that his Islam had come as an answer to the Messenger of Allah's du'a (Allah's Peace and Blessings upon Him and His pure Family). A'isha claims that she heard it from the Prophet (Allah's Peace and Blessings upon Him and His pure Family) and that she narrates it directly from him.
According to the Bakri sect Omar's conversion to Islam was in the sixth year after the Prophetic Mission had begun i.e. about seven years before the hijra. It was stated above that A'isha was a girl of six the year before the hijra which means that seven years before the hijra she was still either in her mother's womb or a suckling babe incapable of rational thought. How could she have heard or been aware of this hadith allegedly uttered by the Holiest Prophet (Allah's Peace and Blessings upon Him and His pure Family)?
If what she claimed about her being young and her being a girl of six when she got married, she had no business falsely attributing this fabricated hadith to the Messenger of Allah (Allah's Peace and Blessings upon Him and His pure Family). And if it was not authentic then the point is still proven i.e. that she was much older than that because according to the claim, she heard the hadith, understood it and narrated it.
This is a third contradiction to add to the aforementioned contradictions which prove that it is a fabrication and a lie but what is most damaging of all is that they are all narrated through an authentic chain of transmission on the authority of Hisham on the authority of his father 'Urwa'. How does one escape that?
Fourthly: Ibn Qutayba says by way of comment on A'isha's hadith about her marriage when she was a girl of nine: "…And she lived until the time when Mu'awiya was the Caliph and she passed away in the year fifty eight when she was nearly seventy. She was asked, "Shall we bury you next to the Messenger of Allah?" She replied, "But I did wrong. Bury me with my sisters." So she was buried in the Baqi' [cemetery] and she appointed Abdallah Ibn Zubayr as her executor. (Al-Ma'arif by Ibn Qutayba p29).
Al-Birri said, "She passed away in the fifty ninth year after the hijra towards the end of Mu'awiya's reign as Caliph. She was nearly seventy. It was on a Monday night, the night before the seventeenth of Ramadan." (Al-Jawhara fi Nisab al-Nabi wa Ashabihi al-'Ashara by Al-Birri vol 1 p216).
Ibn Abd Rabbih said, "After his death, she lived on right up to the days of Mu'awiya and she died in the fifty eighth year. She was nearly seventy. (Al-Iqd al-Farid by Ibn Abd Rabbih vol 2 p71).
Al-Maqdisi said, "He married A'isha in Makkah the year before the hijra (…) A'isha passed away during the time of Mu'awiya. She was nearly seventy. He said to her, "Should we not bury you in your house with the Messenger of Allah?" She replied, "No. I did wrong after His death." (Al-bid' wa al-Tarikh by Al-Maqdisi vol 1 p260).
On this basis, A'isha's age would have been roughly twelve the year before the hijra, the year in which the Greatest Prophet (Allah's Peace and Blessings upon Him and His pure Family) married her (as mentioned above). What a far cry this is from her saying that she was a girl of six or seven!".
Even if we were to work on the presumption that what they meant by "nearly seventy" at her death was that she reached the age of sixty seven – as some of them have stated – then she would have been a girl of nine when she got married, not a girl of six or seven except for the fact that we also reject their account that she got married the year before the hijra. We refer back to the objection raised in the second point (above). There is shown to be a contradiction which disproves her claim.
Fifthly, Ibn Hajar al-Asqalani says about Asma' daughter of Abu Bakr, "She was the mother of Abdallah son of Al-Zubayr. She became a Muslim a long time ago in Makkah and pledged allegiance to the Prophet (Allah's Peace and Blessings upon Him and His pure Family). She was ten years older than A'isha and died less than a month after her son was killed. She was a hundred years old. That was in the year seventy three. (Subul al-Salam by Ibn Hajar al-Asqalani vol 1 p39).
Al-Baihaqi and Al-Dhahabi narrate on the authority of Ibn Abi al-Zinad that he said, "Asma' daughter of Abu Bakr was ten years older than A'isha. (Sunan al-Baihaqi vol 6 p204 and Siyar al-Nubala' by Al-Dhahabi vol 2 p289)
Similarly, Al-Nawawi narrates on the authority of Hafiz Abu Na'im that he said, "Asma' was born twenty seven years before the Messenger of Allah's hijra (Allah's Peace and Blessings upon Him and His pure Family). Her father Abu Bakr was twenty one years old when she was born." (Tahdhib al-Asma' by Al-Nawawi vol 3 p223).

The conclusion to be reached from these narrations is that Asma was twenty seven years old the year before the hijra and given that she was ten years older than her sister A'isha, A'isha's age was about seventeen at that time. That was the year in which she got married. What a far cry this is from her claim that she was a girl of six or seven.

This is how the lie told by A'isha is exposed. It was her intention to pretend to be younger and fool people into thinking that she was an innocent child who was married against her will to a really old man. In fact, A'isha was seventeen at the time meaning that she was a grown up woman and not a child as she claimed.

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