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Le mousshaf (Recueil de textes) de Fatima, as.

Voici la traduction google du 2ème texte

Il ya des traditions qui affirment que Ali avait un exemplaire du Coran de sa part, une copie qu'il a annotée en fonction de la conversation qu'il a eue avec le Saint Prophète. Cette nouvelle rédaction de la marge de son propre Coran est apparemment dans la nature des commentaires du Prophète que les autres ne savent pas. elle a une incidence sur l'existence d'un mystérieux livre qui s'appelle «Jafr». Al-Kulaini remarque que, «lorsque l'Apôtre enseigne quelque chose à Ali, Ali, il évolué à partir d'un millier d'autres choses. Il déclare que les Sahifa dans l'écriture d'Ali a été soixante dix coudées de longueur, mesurée par le bras de l'apôtre, et qu'il tout contenu autorisé et interdit ", et tout le nécessaire pour l'homme nature. Et dans le Jafr, ou livre secret, il nous assure qu'il y avait à être trouvé, "la connaissance des prophètes et des chercheurs de l'Bani Israël".

Mas'udi montre comment le côté imams avaient l'habitude de se référer à la fois à ces livres qui secret Ali gauche dans leur maintien. La croyance en l'existence de ces livres sacrés et secrets avec les imams a été entreprise.

Dans l'un des livres que Muhammad Bakir Majlisi écrit au dix-septième siècle, le "HayatulKulub", ou la vie des cœurs, il est raconté que, au moment où Muhammad appel à la Nassara (les chrétiens) dans Najraan au Yémen, à l'accepter comme un prophète dont la venue avait été prédit par Jésus, un grand livre appelé «Jama» a été évoqué dans le cadre du débat. 1t est un recueil de textes de 124.000 prophètes. La première partie est le livre d'Adam », qui se rapporte au royaume du Très-Haut, ce qu'Il avait créé et Il a décrété dans le ciel et la terre en respectant les choses temporelles et éternelles.

Ce. Livre, qui contient toutes les sciences, a été transmis par le père de l'humanité à Shays Prophète. Shays a ajouté sa contribution à l'excellent travail et remis au prophète Idris, et même il y avait les écrits des prophètes Abraham, Moïse et Jésus, jusqu'à ce que le temps est venu pour la grande finale et de travaux d'Ahmad (ou Muhammad).

Un manuel de persan sur la vie des imams, qui est une compilation des travaux volumineux de Majlisi, a été écrit en persan et lithographiée à Téhéran en 1912. Il est appelé "Tazkeratul-A'imma», et ici, il a déclaré que la «Jafr wa Jaameaa 'est un livre que les chercheurs conviennent que Ali avait en sa possession, et que la partie qui existe actuellement est constituée de vingt-huit parties, et que chaque partie a vingt-huit pages, et chaque page de vingt huit divisions "et non une, en dehors de Dieu, le prophète et les Imams savoir le personnage dans lequel il est écrit, à moins que les Imams sans péché, il aurait appris à un."

Le même manuel mentionne aussi moderne "le Livre de Ali» (le Sahifa), "que le prophète a dicté et Ali. Il est soixante dix mètres de long et la largeur d'une peau de mouton. Elle est aussi appelée le« lama », et il montre ce que sont les choses permises et ce que sont les choses interdites ».

Deux autres petits travaux du même genre sont les "Jafr Abyad" (le blanc Jafer), qui a quatorze parties, et chaque partie a quatorze divisions, et la rédaction de Fatima, avec beaucoup de traditions, de montrer que Dieu a enseigné vingt-Adam cinq des noms divins, Noah savait huit, Abraham avait six, Moïse avait quatre, Jésus avait deux, et ASSIF ibn Barkhia avait un, alors que l'Apôtre de Dieu savait soixante-deux de ces noms, dont il a appris à Ali.

بِسْمِ ٱللَّهِ ٱلرَّحْمَٰنِ ٱلرَّحِيم
In the name of Allah,
the most Merciful qualitatively,
the most Merciful quantitatively

The Holy Quran and Prime Numbers:
Future Predictions for 2012 and beyond
Thanks to Allah a new key for decoding the Quran has been found within the first chapter of the Quran that is appropriately called The Key (الفاتحة) which is based on prime numbers. As a result, this research has identified an extremely accurate method for predicting a day-by-day account of what might happen in the year 2012, but Allah knows best.
Prime Numbers
Unlike odd, prime numbers are those numbers that are not divisible by other numbers except themselves and 1. For example: 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, ...
All non-primes (composite numbers) and composed by multiplying prime numbers together in one unique way. For example: 4=2*2, 6=2*3, 8=2*2*2, 9=3*3, … Therefore, prime numbers are said to be the multiplicative building blocks for all other numbers.
Until 1899, number 1 was considered prime but since them it is considered neither prime nor composite but merely the unit of numbers or the additive building block for all natural numbers. Example 1=1, 2=1+1, 3=1+1+1, 4=1+1+1+1, …
This research however suggests two new supporting arguments for number 1 to be reconsidered as prime number just as in all previous centuries. First by examining the series of numbers from 1 to 10 where every prime is mirrored by a composite which would not otherwise have existed had 1 been composite:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
While the second argument can be found deep within our human genetic materials and the number of chromosome pairs (23) as the last prime when joining all prime numbers from 1 to 23 left-to-right (123571113171923) and right-to-left (231917131175321) and still produce primes, whereas without 1 (23571113171923, 23191713117532) they produce composites.
The Key
The Key (الفاتحة) chapter is shown here using the standard recitation method of Hefs in Uthmanic writing method:
In the name of Allah, the Merciful, the Gracious. بِسْمِ ٱللَّهِ ٱلرَّحْمَٰنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ (1)
Extol be to Allah, Sustainer of the worlds. ٱلْحَمْدُ لِلَّهِ رَبِّ ٱلْعَٰلَمِينَ (2)
The Merciful, the Gracious. ٱلرَّحْمَٰنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ (3)
Master of the Day of Judgment, مَٰلِكِ يَوْمِ ٱلدِّينِ (4)
You alone we worship; You alone we ask for help. إِيَّاكَ نَعْبُدُ وَإِيَّاكَ نَسْتَعِينُ (5)
Guide us to the Right Path: ٱهْدِنَا ٱلصِّرَٰطَ ٱلْمُسْتَقِيمَ (6)
وَلَا ٱلضَّآلِّين صِرَٰطَ ٱلَّذِينَ أَنْعَمْتَ عَلَيْهِمْ غَيْرِ ٱلْمَغْضُوبِ عَلَيْهِمَْ (7)
The path of those whom You bestowed your bounties upon; not of those who have brought upon themselves Your wrath, nor of those who went astray.
This chapter consists of 7 verses, 29 words and 139 letters. Not only these are prime numbers but their digit sums (7=7, 2+9=11 and 1+3+9=13) are primes too, and the sum of these digit sums (7+11+13=31) is yet another prime. What’s more, joining these prime numbers left-to-right 729139 and right-to-left 139297 also produces primes.
As a result, a new numerology system called “Primalogy” was developed as show here:
1 ء
79 ك 51 ض 19 د 2 ا
83 ل 53 ط 23 ذ 3 ب
89 م 59 ظ 29 ر 5 ت
97 ن 61 ع 31 ز 7 ث
101 ه 67 غ 37 س 11 ج
103 و 71 ف 43 ش 13 ح
107 ي 73 ق 47 ص 17 خ
Alphabet Primalogy System
Although the Arabic language has 28 letters, this research considers any standalone Hemza (ء) as an independent letter that precedes all other letters and thus is assigned the value 1. As a result, this new numerology system uses 29 letters, which is a prime number too.
When applying this new numerology system to chapter The Key (الفاتحة) it yielded a total Primalogy Value that is prime (8317) 4201|3167) and has a prime digit sum (19) as show here:
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم (1)
3+37+89 2+83+83+101 2+83+29+13+89+97 2+83+29+13+107+89
الحمد لله رب العلمين (2)
2+83+13+89+19 83+83+101 29+3 2+83+61+83+89+107+97
الرحمن الرحيم (3)
2+83+29+13+89+97 2+83+29+13+107+89
ملك يوم الدين (4)
89+83+79 107+103+89 2+83+19+107+97
إياك نعبد وإياك نستعين (5)
2+107+2+79 97+61+3+19 103+2+107+2+79 97+37+5+61+107+97
اهدنا الصرط المستقيم (6)
2+101+19+97+2 2+83+43+29+53 2+83+89+37+5+73+107+89
صرط الذين أنعمت عليهم غير المغضوب عليهم ولا الضآلين (7)
43+29+53 2+83+23+107+97
2+97+61+89+5 61+83+107+101+89
67+107+29 2+83+89+67+47+103+3
61+83+107+101+89 103+83+2 2+83+47+2+83+107+97
To validate this system further, it was then applied to chapter The Oneness (الإخلاص) with and without “BismAllah” and in both cases it yielded total Primalogy Values that are prime (4201, 3167) and have prime digit sums (7, 17) as show here:
In the name of Allah, the Merciful, the Gracious. بِسْمِ ٱللَّهِ ٱلرَّحْمَٰنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ
Say He is Allah, the One and Only. قُلْ هُوَ ٱللَّهُ أَحَدٌ (1)
Allah is Self-Sustainer, Self-Sufficient. ٱللَّهُ ٱلصَّمَدُ (2)
Neither gives birth, nor was born. لَمْ يَلِدْ وَلَمْ يُولَدْ (3)
And nothing compares to Him. وَلَمْ يَكُن لَّهُۥ كُفُوًا أَحَدٌ (4)

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
3+37+89 2+83+83+101 2+83+29+13+89+97 2+83+29+13+107+89
قل هو الله أحد (1)
73+83 101+103 2+83+83+101 2+13+19
الله الصمد (2)
2+83+83+101 2+83+43+89+19
لم يلد ولم يولد (3)
83+89 107+83+19 103+83+89 107+103+83+19
ولم يكن له كفوًا أحد (4)
103+83+89 107+79+97 83+101 79+71+103+2 2+13+19
This is a clear evidence that the “BismAllah” of chapter The Key which is verse #1 is an integral part of it and must therefore be recited always with it at all times, and the prefixed “BismAllah” of chapter The Oneness and all other chapters except chapter Repentance (التوبة) which has none are indeed optional and numberless.
The Message
Having established that the structure of The Key is built firmly upon prime numbers, attention was then turned to the structure of the whole Quran which consists of 114 chapters of various verse numbers as given below:
7 + 286 + 200 + 176 + 120 + 165 + 206 + 75 + 129 + 109 + 123 + 111 + 43 + 52 + 99 + 128 + 111 + 110 + 98 + 135 + 112 + 78 + 118 + 64 + 77 + 227 + 93 + 88 + 69 + 60 + 34 + 30 + 73 + 54 + 45 + 83 + 182 + 88 + 75 + 85 + 54 + 53 + 89 + 59 + 37 + 35 + 38 + 29 + 18 + 45 + 60 + 49 + 62 + 55 + 78 + 96 + 29 + 22 + 24 + 13 + 14 + 11 + 11 + 18 + 12 + 12 + 30 + 52 + 52 + 44 + 28 + 28 + 20 + 56 + 40 + 31 + 50 + 40 + 46 + 42 + 29 + 19 + 36 + 25 + 22 + 17 + 19 + 26 + 30 + 20 + 15 + 21 + 11 + 8 + 8 + 19 + 5 + 8 + 8 + 11 + 11 + 8 + 3 + 9 + 5 + 4 + 7 + 3 + 6 + 3 + 5 + 4 + 5 + 6 = 6236 verses.
Although the number of chapters (114) and the number of verses (6236) are not primes, Quran 15:87 comes to the rescue:
"وَلَقَدْ ءَاتَيْنَٰكَ سَبْعًا مِّنَ ٱلْمَثَانِى وَٱلْقُرْءَانَ ٱلْعَظِيمَ"
“And We’ve given you seven of the doubles (or praise) and the great Quran.“
where the seven doubles were explained by Prophet Mohammed (pbuh & f) as the seven verses of The Key chapter as the word “ٱلْمَثَانِى” (“doubles”) can also mean “َثَناءَ” (“praise”) which is how the chapter teaches man how to approach his Creator and Sustainer for guidance after praising and extolling Him sincerely.
As a result, this research proposed that the Quran is made of two parts: a Key part which consists of chapter The Key alone and a Message part which consists of all other 113 chapters as per the following equations:
Quran = Key + Message
114 = 1 + 113 chapters
6236 = 7 + 6229 verses
And God behold!, everything fell into place as all 1, 113, 7, and 6229 are primes with prime digit sums (1=1, 1+1+3=5, 7=7, 6+2+2+9=19) too. Glory to Allah!
This new two-part structure of the Quran suggests that the number of words and the number of letters of the whole Quran could also be primes with prime digit sums too but Allah know best.
Currently, this cannot be verified as all softcopies of the Quran found on the Internet are not authorized by any religious authority and have conflicting word and letter counts and therefore cannot be relied upon.
Please help! An authorized softcopy of the Quran is therefore urgently required to continue this research effort with letter-processing (skipping, shifting, 2D Matrices, 3D shapes including human body shape).
The Merciful Verse
For lack of an authorized copy of the Quran that can be processed by a computer letter by letter, a manual scan through the Quran raised curiosity of the oft-repeated verse of chapter The Merciful (الرحمن) which reads:
“What other bounties of your Sustainer do you still belie?” “فَبِأَىِّ ءَالَآءِ رَبِّكُمَا تُكَذِّبَانِ”
A quick count of the number of repetitions of this verse shows that it is repeated 31 times and summing up the verse numbers of these repetitions produced a prime with a prime digit sum as follows:
13+16+18+21+23+25+28+30+32+34+36+38+40+42+45+47+49+51+53+55+57+59+61+63+65+67+69+71+73+75+77 = 1433 is prime and its digit sum 1+4+3+3 = 11 is prime too.
This new magical prime proved to be the first valuable finding of this research for it has been confirmed to point to the Hijri year 1433AH (or 2012AD) by none other than Allah (swt) for He made the number of words of this chapter including BismAllah (355) to be the same as the number of days in the year 1433AH that has the following number of days in each month:
30+29+30+30+29+30+30+29+30+29+30+29 = 355 days.
بِسْمِ ٱللَّهِ ٱلرَّحْمَٰنِ ٱلرَّحِيم
In the name of Allah,
the most Merciful qualitatively,
the most Merciful quantitatively

The Holy Quran and Prime Numbers:
Future Predictions for 2012 and beyond
Thanks to Allah a new key for decoding the Quran has been found within the first chapter of the Quran that is appropriately called The Key (الفاتحة) which is based on prime numbers. As a result, this research has identified an extremely accurate method for predicting a day-by-day account of what might happen in the year 2012, but Allah knows best.
Prime Numbers
Unlike odd, prime numbers are those numbers that are not divisible by other numbers except themselves and 1. For example: 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, ...
All non-primes (composite numbers) and composed by multiplying prime numbers together in one unique way. For example: 4=2*2, 6=2*3, 8=2*2*2, 9=3*3, … Therefore, prime numbers are said to be the multiplicative building blocks for all other numbers.
Until 1899, number 1 was considered prime but since them it is considered neither prime nor composite but merely the unit of numbers or the additive building block for all natural numbers. Example 1=1, 2=1+1, 3=1+1+1, 4=1+1+1+1, …
This research however suggests two new supporting arguments for number 1 to be reconsidered as prime number just as in all previous centuries. First by examining the series of numbers from 1 to 10 where every prime is mirrored by a composite which would not otherwise have existed had 1 been composite:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
While the second argument can be found deep within our human genetic materials and the number of chromosome pairs (23) as the last prime when joining all prime numbers from 1 to 23 left-to-right (123571113171923) and right-to-left (231917131175321) and still produce primes, whereas without 1 (23571113171923, 23191713117532) they produce composites.
The Key
The Key (الفاتحة) chapter is shown here using the standard recitation method of Hefs in Uthmanic writing method:
In the name of Allah, the Merciful, the Gracious. بِسْمِ ٱللَّهِ ٱلرَّحْمَٰنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ (1)
Extol be to Allah, Sustainer of the worlds. ٱلْحَمْدُ لِلَّهِ رَبِّ ٱلْعَٰلَمِينَ (2)
The Merciful, the Gracious. ٱلرَّحْمَٰنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ (3)
Master of the Day of Judgment, مَٰلِكِ يَوْمِ ٱلدِّينِ (4)
You alone we worship; You alone we ask for help. إِيَّاكَ نَعْبُدُ وَإِيَّاكَ نَسْتَعِينُ (5)
Guide us to the Right Path: ٱهْدِنَا ٱلصِّرَٰطَ ٱلْمُسْتَقِيمَ (6)
وَلَا ٱلضَّآلِّين صِرَٰطَ ٱلَّذِينَ أَنْعَمْتَ عَلَيْهِمْ غَيْرِ ٱلْمَغْضُوبِ عَلَيْهِمَْ (7)
The path of those whom You bestowed your bounties upon; not of those who have brought upon themselves Your wrath, nor of those who went astray.
This chapter consists of 7 verses, 29 words and 139 letters. Not only these are prime numbers but their digit sums (7=7, 2+9=11 and 1+3+9=13) are primes too, and the sum of these digit sums (7+11+13=31) is yet another prime. What’s more, joining these prime numbers left-to-right 729139 and right-to-left 139297 also produces primes.
As a result, a new numerology system called “Primalogy” was developed as show here:
1 ء
79 ك 51 ض 19 د 2 ا
83 ل 53 ط 23 ذ 3 ب
89 م 59 ظ 29 ر 5 ت
97 ن 61 ع 31 ز 7 ث
101 ه 67 غ 37 س 11 ج
103 و 71 ف 43 ش 13 ح
107 ي 73 ق 47 ص 17 خ
Alphabet Primalogy System
Although the Arabic language has 28 letters, this research considers any standalone Hemza (ء) as an independent letter that precedes all other letters and thus is assigned the value 1. As a result, this new numerology system uses 29 letters, which is a prime number too.
When applying this new numerology system to chapter The Key (الفاتحة) it yielded a total Primalogy Value that is prime (8317) 4201|3167) and has a prime digit sum (19) as show here:
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم (1)
3+37+89 2+83+83+101 2+83+29+13+89+97 2+83+29+13+107+89
الحمد لله رب العلمين (2)
2+83+13+89+19 83+83+101 29+3 2+83+61+83+89+107+97
الرحمن الرحيم (3)
2+83+29+13+89+97 2+83+29+13+107+89
ملك يوم الدين (4)
89+83+79 107+103+89 2+83+19+107+97
إياك نعبد وإياك نستعين (5)
2+107+2+79 97+61+3+19 103+2+107+2+79 97+37+5+61+107+97
اهدنا الصرط المستقيم (6)
2+101+19+97+2 2+83+43+29+53 2+83+89+37+5+73+107+89
صرط الذين أنعمت عليهم غير المغضوب عليهم ولا الضآلين (7)
43+29+53 2+83+23+107+97
2+97+61+89+5 61+83+107+101+89
67+107+29 2+83+89+67+47+103+3
61+83+107+101+89 103+83+2 2+83+47+2+83+107+97
To validate this system further, it was then applied to chapter The Oneness (الإخلاص) with and without “BismAllah” and in both cases it yielded total Primalogy Values that are prime (4201, 3167) and have prime digit sums (7, 17) as show here:
In the name of Allah, the Merciful, the Gracious. بِسْمِ ٱللَّهِ ٱلرَّحْمَٰنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ
Say He is Allah, the One and Only. قُلْ هُوَ ٱللَّهُ أَحَدٌ (1)
Allah is Self-Sustainer, Self-Sufficient. ٱللَّهُ ٱلصَّمَدُ (2)
Neither gives birth, nor was born. لَمْ يَلِدْ وَلَمْ يُولَدْ (3)
And nothing compares to Him. وَلَمْ يَكُن لَّهُۥ كُفُوًا أَحَدٌ (4)

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
3+37+89 2+83+83+101 2+83+29+13+89+97 2+83+29+13+107+89
قل هو الله أحد (1)
73+83 101+103 2+83+83+101 2+13+19
الله الصمد (2)
2+83+83+101 2+83+43+89+19
لم يلد ولم يولد (3)
83+89 107+83+19 103+83+89 107+103+83+19
ولم يكن له كفوًا أحد (4)
103+83+89 107+79+97 83+101 79+71+103+2 2+13+19
This is a clear evidence that the “BismAllah” of chapter The Key which is verse #1 is an integral part of it and must therefore be recited always with it at all times, and the prefixed “BismAllah” of chapter The Oneness and all other chapters except chapter Repentance (التوبة) which has none are indeed optional and numberless.
The Message
Having established that the structure of The Key is built firmly upon prime numbers, attention was then turned to the structure of the whole Quran which consists of 114 chapters of various verse numbers as given below:
7 + 286 + 200 + 176 + 120 + 165 + 206 + 75 + 129 + 109 + 123 + 111 + 43 + 52 + 99 + 128 + 111 + 110 + 98 + 135 + 112 + 78 + 118 + 64 + 77 + 227 + 93 + 88 + 69 + 60 + 34 + 30 + 73 + 54 + 45 + 83 + 182 + 88 + 75 + 85 + 54 + 53 + 89 + 59 + 37 + 35 + 38 + 29 + 18 + 45 + 60 + 49 + 62 + 55 + 78 + 96 + 29 + 22 + 24 + 13 + 14 + 11 + 11 + 18 + 12 + 12 + 30 + 52 + 52 + 44 + 28 + 28 + 20 + 56 + 40 + 31 + 50 + 40 + 46 + 42 + 29 + 19 + 36 + 25 + 22 + 17 + 19 + 26 + 30 + 20 + 15 + 21 + 11 + 8 + 8 + 19 + 5 + 8 + 8 + 11 + 11 + 8 + 3 + 9 + 5 + 4 + 7 + 3 + 6 + 3 + 5 + 4 + 5 + 6 = 6236 verses.
Although the number of chapters (114) and the number of verses (6236) are not primes, Quran 15:87 comes to the rescue:
"وَلَقَدْ ءَاتَيْنَٰكَ سَبْعًا مِّنَ ٱلْمَثَانِى وَٱلْقُرْءَانَ ٱلْعَظِيمَ"
“And We’ve given you seven of the doubles (or praise) and the great Quran.“
where the seven doubles were explained by Prophet Mohammed (pbuh & f) as the seven verses of The Key chapter as the word “ٱلْمَثَانِى” (“doubles”) can also mean “َثَناءَ” (“praise”) which is how the chapter teaches man how to approach his Creator and Sustainer for guidance after praising and extolling Him sincerely.
As a result, this research proposed that the Quran is made of two parts: a Key part which consists of chapter The Key alone and a Message part which consists of all other 113 chapters as per the following equations:
Quran = Key + Message
114 = 1 + 113 chapters
6236 = 7 + 6229 verses
And God behold!, everything fell into place as all 1, 113, 7, and 6229 are primes with prime digit sums (1=1, 1+1+3=5, 7=7, 6+2+2+9=19) too. Glory to Allah!
This new two-part structure of the Quran suggests that the number of words and the number of letters of the whole Quran could also be primes with prime digit sums too but Allah know best.
Currently, this cannot be verified as all softcopies of the Quran found on the Internet are not authorized by any religious authority and have conflicting word and letter counts and therefore cannot be relied upon.
Please help! An authorized softcopy of the Quran is therefore urgently required to continue this research effort with letter-processing (skipping, shifting, 2D Matrices, 3D shapes including human body shape).
The Merciful Verse
For lack of an authorized copy of the Quran that can be processed by a computer letter by letter, a manual scan through the Quran raised curiosity of the oft-repeated verse of chapter The Merciful (الرحمن) which reads:
“What other bounties of your Sustainer do you still belie?” “فَبِأَىِّ ءَالَآءِ رَبِّكُمَا تُكَذِّبَانِ”
A quick count of the number of repetitions of this verse shows that it is repeated 31 times and summing up the verse numbers of these repetitions produced a prime with a prime digit sum as follows:
13+16+18+21+23+25+28+30+32+34+36+38+40+42+45+47+49+51+53+55+57+59+61+63+65+67+69+71+73+75+77 = 1433 is prime and its digit sum 1+4+3+3 = 11 is prime too.
This new magical prime proved to be the first valuable finding of this research for it has been confirmed to point to the Hijri year 1433AH (or 2012AD) by none other than Allah (swt) for He made the number of words of this chapter including BismAllah (355) to be the same as the number of days in the year 1433AH that has the following number of days in each month:
30+29+30+30+29+30+30+29+30+29+30+29 = 355 days.
And here is the complete chapter of The Merciful (الرحمن) with the 31 repeated verses highlighted in blue and all its 355 words. Go on, count the number of words and marvel at God’s bounties!
بِسْمِ ٱللَّهِ ٱلرَّحْمَٰنِ ٱلرَّحِيمِ
1. ٱلرَّحْمَٰنُ
2. عَلَّمَ ٱلْقُرْءَانَ
3. خَلَقَ ٱلْإِنسَٰنَ
4. عَلَّمَهُ ٱلْبَيَانَ
5. ٱلشَّمْسُ وَٱلْقَمَرُ بِحُسْبَانٍۢ
6. وَٱلنَّجْمُ وَٱلشَّجَرُ يَسْجُدَانِ
7. وَٱلسَّمَآءَ رَفَعَهَا وَوَضَعَ ٱلْمِيزَانَ
8. أَلَّا تَطْغَوْا۟ فِى ٱلْمِيزَانِ
9. وَأَقِيمُوْا۟ ٱلْوَزْنَ بِٱلْقِسْطِ وَلَا تُخْسِرُوْا۟ ٱلْمِيزَانَ
10. وَٱلْأَرْضَ وَضَعَهَا لِلْأَنَامِ
11. فِيهَا فَٰكِهَةٌۭ وَٱلنَّخْلُ ذَاتُ ٱلْأَكْمَامِ
12. وَٱلْحَبُّ ذُو ٱلْعَصْفِ وَٱلرَّيْحَانُ
13. فَبِأَىِّ ءَالَآءِ رَبِّكُمَا تُكَذِّبَانِ
14. خَلَقَ ٱلْإِنسَٰنَ مِن صَلْصَٰلٍۢ كَٱلْفَخَّارِ
15. وَخَلَقَ ٱلْجَآنَّ مِن مَّارِجٍۢ مِّن نَّارٍۢ
16. فَبِأَىِّ ءَالَآءِ رَبِّكُمَا تُكَذِّبَانِ
17. رَبُّ ٱلْمَشْرِقَيْنِ وَرَبُّ ٱلْمَغْرِبَيْنِ
18. فَبِأَىِّ ءَالَآءِ رَبِّكُمَا تُكَذِّبَانِ
19. مَرَجَ ٱلْبَحْرَيْنِ يَلْتَقِيَانِ
20. بَيْنَهُمَا بَرْزَخٌۭ لَّا يَبْغِيَانِ
21. فَبِأَىِّ ءَالَآءِ رَبِّكُمَا تُكَذِّبَانِ
22. يَخْرُجُ مِنْهُمَا ٱللُّؤْلُؤُ وَٱلْمَرْجَانُ
23. فَبِأَىِّ ءَالَآءِ رَبِّكُمَا تُكَذِّبَانِ
24. وَلَهُ ٱلْجَوَارِ ٱلْمُنشَـَٔاتُ فِى ٱلْبَحْرِ كَٱلْأَعْلَٰمِ
25. فَبِأَىِّ ءَالَآءِ رَبِّكُمَا تُكَذِّبَانِ
26. كُلُّ مَنْ عَلَيْهَا فَانٍۢ
27. وَيَبْقَىٰ وَجْهُ رَبِّكَ ذُو ٱلْجَلَٰلِ وَٱلْإِكْرَامِ
28. فَبِأَىِّ ءَالَآءِ رَبِّكُمَا تُكَذِّبَانِ
29. يَسْـَٔلُهُۥ مَن فِى ٱلسَّمَٰوَٰتِ وَٱلْأَرْضِ ۚ كُلَّ يَوْمٍ هُوَ فِى شَأْنٍۢ
30. فَبِأَىِّ ءَالَآءِ رَبِّكُمَا تُكَذِّبَانِ
31. سَنَفْرُغُ لَكُمْ أَيُّهَ ٱلثَّقَلَانِ
32. فَبِأَىِّ ءَالَآءِ رَبِّكُمَا تُكَذِّبَانِ
33. يَٰمَعْشَرَ ٱلْجِنِّ وَٱلْإِنسِ إِنِ ٱسْتَطَعْتُمْ أَن تَنفُذُوا۟ مِنْ أَقْطَارِ ٱلسَّمَٰوَٰتِ وَٱلْأَرْضِ فَٱنفُذُوْا۟ ۚ لَا تَنفُذُونَ إِلَّا بِسُلْطَٰنٍۢ
34. فَبِأَىِّ ءَالَآءِ رَبِّكُمَا تُكَذِّبَانِ
35. يُرْسَلُ عَلَيْكُمَا شُوَاظٌۭ مِّن نَّارٍۢ وَنُحَاسٌۭ فَلَا تَنتَصِرَانِ
36. فَبِأَىِّ ءَالَآءِ رَبِّكُمَا تُكَذِّبَانِ
37. فَإِذَا ٱنشَقَّتِ ٱلسَّمَآءُ فَكَانَتْ وَرْدَةًۭ كَٱلدِّهَانِ
38. فَبِأَىِّ ءَالَآءِ رَبِّكُمَا تُكَذِّبَانِ
39. فَيَوْمَئِذٍۢ لَّا يُسْـَٔلُ عَن ذَنۢبِهِۦٓ إِنسٌۭ وَلَا جَآنٌّۭ
40. فَبِأَىِّ ءَالَآءِ رَبِّكُمَا تُكَذِّبَانِ
41. يُعْرَفُ ٱلْمُجْرِمُونَ بِسِيمَٰهُمْ فَيُؤْخَذُ بِٱلنَّوَٰصِى وَٱلْأَقْدَامِ
42. فَبِأَىِّ ءَالَآءِ رَبِّكُمَا تُكَذِّبَانِ
43. هَٰذِهِۦ جَهَنَّمُ ٱلَّتِى يُكَذِّبُ بِهَا ٱلْمُجْرِمُونَ
44. يَطُوفُونَ بَيْنَهَا وَبَيْنَ حَمِيمٍ ءَانٍۢ
45. فَبِأَىِّ ءَالَآءِ رَبِّكُمَا تُكَذِّبَانِ
46. وَلِمَنْ خَافَ مَقَامَ رَبِّهِۦ جَنَّتَانِ
47. فَبِأَىِّ ءَالَآءِ رَبِّكُمَا تُكَذِّبَانِ
48. ذَوَاتَآ أَفْنَانٍۢ
49. فَبِأَىِّ ءَالَآءِ رَبِّكُمَا تُكَذِّبَانِ
50. فِيهِمَا عَيْنَانِ تَجْرِيَانِ
51. فَبِأَىِّ ءَالَآءِ رَبِّكُمَا تُكَذِّبَانِ
52. فِيهِمَا مِن كُلِّ فَٰكِهَةٍۢ زَوْجَانِ
53. فَبِأَىِّ ءَالَآءِ رَبِّكُمَا تُكَذِّبَانِ
54. مُتَّكِـِٔينَ عَلَىٰ فُرُشٍۭ بَطَآئِنُهَا مِنْ إِسْتَبْرَقٍۢ ۚ وَجَنَى ٱلْجَنَّتَيْنِ دَانٍۢ
55. فَبِأَىِّ ءَالَآءِ رَبِّكُمَا تُكَذِّبَانِ
56. فِيهِنَّ قَٰصِرَٰتُ ٱلطَّرْفِ لَمْ يَطْمِثْهُنَّ إِنسٌۭ قَبْلَهُمْ وَلَا جَآنٌّۭ
57. فَبِأَىِّ ءَالَآءِ رَبِّكُمَا تُكَذِّبَانِ
58. كَأَنَّهُنَّ ٱلْيَاقُوتُ وَٱلْمَرْجَانُ
59. فَبِأَىِّ ءَالَآءِ رَبِّكُمَا تُكَذِّبَانِ
60. هَلْ جَزَآءُ ٱلْإِحْسَٰنِ إِلَّا ٱلْإِحْسَٰنُ
61. فَبِأَىِّ ءَالَآءِ رَبِّكُمَا تُكَذِّبَانِ
62. وَمِن دُونِهِمَا جَنَّتَانِ
63. فَبِأَىِّ ءَالَآءِ رَبِّكُمَا تُكَذِّبَانِ
64. مُدْهَآمَّتَانِ
65. فَبِأَىِّ ءَالَآءِ رَبِّكُمَا تُكَذِّبَانِ
66. فِيهِمَا عَيْنَانِ نَضَّاخَتَانِ
67. فَبِأَىِّ ءَالَآءِ رَبِّكُمَا تُكَذِّبَانِ
68. فِيهِمَا فَٰكِهَةٌۭ وَنَخْلٌۭ وَرُمَّانٌۭ
69. فَبِأَىِّ ءَالَآءِ رَبِّكُمَا تُكَذِّبَانِ
70. فِيهِنَّ خَيْرَٰتٌ حِسَانٌۭ
71. فَبِأَىِّ ءَالَآءِ رَبِّكُمَا تُكَذِّبَانِ
72. حُورٌۭ مَّقْصُورَٰتٌۭ فِى ٱلْخِيَامِ
73. فَبِأَىِّ ءَالَآءِ رَبِّكُمَا تُكَذِّبَانِ
74. لَمْ يَطْمِثْهُنَّ إِنسٌۭ قَبْلَهُمْ وَلَا جَآنٌّۭ
75. فَبِأَىِّ ءَالَآءِ رَبِّكُمَا تُكَذِّبَانِ
76. مُتَّكِـِٔينَ عَلَىٰ رَفْرَفٍ خُضْرٍۢ وَعَبْقَرِىٍّ حِسَانٍۢ
77. فَبِأَىِّ ءَالَآءِ رَبِّكُمَا تُكَذِّبَانِ
78. تَبَٰرَكَ ٱسْمُ رَبِّكَ ذِى ٱلْجَلَٰلِ وَٱلْإِكْرَامِ
Glory to Allah, the Omnipresent, Omnipotent, Omniscience!
That was the hard part, the easy part was mapping each word of the Merciful chapter to its corresponding day in the year 1433AH to produce the following table shows that the first occurrence of this verse will start on 7th January 2012 and the last occurrence will end on 7th November 2012:
Word Numbers 1433AH / 2012AD Dates
فبأي ءالاء ربكما تكذبان 14/2/1433 15/2/1433 16/2/1433 17/2/1433
44 45 46 47 07-01-2012 08-01-2012 09-01-2012 10-01-2012
59 60 61 62 22-01-2012 23-01-2012 24-01-2012 25-01-2012
67 68 69 70 30-01-2012 31-01-2012 01-02-2012 02-02-2012
78 79 80 81 10-02-2012 11-02-2012 12-02-2012 13-02-2012
86 87 88 89 18-02-2012 19-02-2012 20-02-2012 21-02-2012
96 97 98 99 28-02-2012 29-02-2012 01-03-2012 02-03-2012
110 111 112 113 13-03-2012 14-03-2012 15-03-2012 16-03-2012
124 125 126 127 27-03-2012 28-03-2012 29-03-2012 30-03-2012
132 133 134 135 04-04-2012 05-04-2012 06-04-2012 07-04-2012
152 153 154 155 24-04-2012 25-04-2012 26-04-2012 27-04-2012
164 165 166 167 06-05-2012 07-05-2012 08-05-2012 09-05-2012
174 175 176 177 16-05-2012 17-05-2012 18-05-2012 19-05-2012
186 187 188 189 28-05-2012 29-05-2012 30-05-2012 31-05-2012
196 197 198 199 07-06-2012 08-06-2012 09-06-2012 10-06-2012
211 212 213 214 22-06-2012 23-06-2012 24-06-2012 25-06-2012
220 221 222 223 01-07-2012 02-07-2012 03-07-2012 04-07-2012
226 227 228 229 07-07-2012 08-07-2012 09-07-2012 10-07-2012
233 234 235 236 14-07-2012 15-07-2012 16-07-2012 17-07-2012
242 243 244 245 23-07-2012 24-07-2012 25-07-2012 26-07-2012
255 256 257 258 05-08-2012 06-08-2012 07-08-2012 08-08-2012
268 269 270 271 18-08-2012 19-08-2012 20-08-2012 21-08-2012
275 276 277 278 25-08-2012 26-08-2012 27-08-2012 28-08-2012
284 285 286 287 03-09-2012 04-09-2012 05-09-2012 06-09-2012
291 292 293 294 10-09-2012 11-09-2012 12-09-2012 13-09-2012
296 297 298 299 15-09-2012 16-09-2012 17-09-2012 18-09-2012
303 304 305 306 22-09-2012 23-09-2012 24-09-2012 25-09-2012
311 312 313 314 30-09-2012 01-10-2012 02-10-2012 03-10-2012
318 319 320 321 07-10-2012 08-10-2012 09-10-2012 10-10-2012
326 327 328 329 15-10-2012 16-10-2012 17-10-2012 18-10-2012
336 337 338 339 25-10-2012 26-10-2012 27-10-2012 28-10-2012
346 347 348 349 04-11-2012 05-11-2012 06-11-2012 07-11-2012

This research predicts that a four-day event will repeat itself (Quran 44:10, 44:15) 31 times before a big event (Quran 44:16) takes place on 21 December 2012 as predicted by Western researchers using the astronomically accurate Mayan Calendar:

Quran 44:10 “فَٱرْتَقِبْ يَوْمَ تَأْتِى ٱلسَّمَآءُ بِدُخَانٍۢ مُّبِينٍ”
“Look out for a day when the sky brings clarifying smoke.”

Quran 44:15 “إِنَّا كَاشِفُوا۟ ٱلْعَذَابِ قَلِيلًا ۚ إِنَّكُمْ عَآئِدُونَ”
“We are lifting the punishment a little but you will be back.”

Quran 44:16 “يَوْمَ نَبْطِشُ ٱلْبَطْشَةَ ٱلْكُبْرَىٰٓ إِنَّا مُنتَقِمُونَ”
“On a day when we seize you with a mighty onslaught: We are taking revenge.”

The word “مُنتَقِمُونَ” or “taking revenge” can be seen as revenge for those who belie God’s signs and bounties (ءَالَآءِ).
Further research has revealed an even later date from the same Merciful verse by joining its 31 repeated verse numbers right-to-left (Arabic direction) to produce a 62-digit number that has only two factors:
77757371696765636159575553514947454240383634323028252321181613 =
11108195956680805165653650502135350605769090617575464617311659 * 7
This new 64-digit prime number is then split into new 31 2-digit numbers that are summed up to yield yet another prime Hijri year with a prime digit sum as follows:
11+10+81+95+95+66+80+80+51+65+65+36+50+50+21+35+35+06+05+76+90+90+61+75+75+46+46+17+31+16+59 = 1619 with digit sum 1+6+1+9 = 17.
1619AH maps to 2192AD and the 180-year gap between 2012 and 2192 shows that 2012 will not be the End of the World but hopefully a Spiritual Awakening by all humanity worldwide.
Future generations should have high hope for the year 1619AH or 2192AD as yet another correction to the course of human history because only Allah decides when the End will come and can bring it anytime at the blink of an eye or even nearer:
Quran 16:77
“وَلِلَّهِ غَيْبُ ٱلسَّمَٰوَٰتِ وَٱلْأَرْضِ ۚ وَمَآ أَمْرُ ٱلسَّاعَةِ إِلَّا كَلَمْحِ ٱلْبَصَرِ أَوْ هُوَ أَقْرَبُ ۚ إِنَّ ٱللَّهَ عَلَىٰ كُلِّ شَىْءٍۢ قَدِيرٌ“
“To Allah belongs the Unseen of heavens and earth and The Hour can come at the blink of an eye, or even nearer. Truly! Allah is capable of doing anything.”
Quran is Alive
All of these findings can be changed and forgotten before they ever occur for the Quran is not just a normal book, but literally a living book as per Quran 2:106:
"ما ننسخ من ءاية أو ننسها نأت بخير منها أو مثلها ألم تعلم أن الله على كل شىء قدير"
"Any verse (sign or revelation) that We edit or cause to be forgotten, We bring a better one or similar to it. Don't you know that Allah is capable of doing anything?"
This verse is so unimaginable that Allah the Almighty duly emphasizes its likelihood with the "Don't you know that Allah is capable of doing anything!" reminder and not the common “And Allah is capable of doing anything” factual statement.
Indeed Allah not only “can” but “does” change the verses of the Quran at will, both on paper (including read only media like CD-ROM) and deep inside our minds for better or similar versions that exhibit miracles relevant to each time and no human, jinn, or angel would ever be aware of the change with all copies of the Quran updated instantly and keeps the text sacred at all times as promised in Quran 15:9:
"إِنَّا نَحْنُ نَزَّلْنَا ٱلذِّكْرَ وَإِنَّا لَهُۥ لَحَٰفِظُونَ"
"It is We who have sent down the Message and it is We who guard it from corruption.
It is very difficult to believe that no one thus far has counted the number of verses, words and letters of chapter The Key and didn’t instantly think of prime numbers! It could be that previous text did not produce primes and only recently this numerical miracle was added to warn us of the approaching events of 2012.
This research is at its early stages and is always open to all who wish to joining the group and help it grow and be effective in awakening the general public to take heed and be ready to meet their Creator instead of the endless pursuit of worldly desires and materialism.
Our souls need to conform to the commands of our spirits to please Allah alone and be ready to fight the forces of evil under the banner of our Saviors Imam Mehdi and Prophet Jesus (peace be upon them both).
Muslims and non-Muslims alike need to think collectively as a unit, not as islands of knowledge, despite our differences to try our best to decode Allah’s Message using prime numbers amongst other tools and to make noble use of it for the good of all, not the selfish few.
ٱلْحَمْدُ لِلَّهِ رَبِّ ٱلْعَٰلَمِينَ
Glory to Allah the Sustainer of all worlds, the Seen and Unseen.
1. Allah
The Holy Quran: Recitation of Hefs through Aasim through Ali bin abi Talib. Uthmani Font.
610-632 [23 years of revelations by Allah through angel Gabriel to Prophet Mohammed].
2. John Derbyshire
Prime Obsession: Bernhard Riemann and the Greatest Unsolved Problem in Mathematics
Joseph Henry Press, 2003.
3. David Wells
Prime Numbers: Most Mysterious Figures in Math
John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 2005.
4. Daniel Rockmore
Stalking the Riemann Hypothesis: The Quest to Find the Hidden Law of Prime Numbers
Pantheon Books, 2005.

Ali Adams
<prime numbers are God's signature>

Email: alipoland@yahoo.com
Web: www.geocities.com/aliadams
Glory to Allah, the Omnipresent, Omnipotent, Omniscience!
That was the hard part, the easy part was mapping each word of the Merciful chapter to its corresponding day in the year 1433AH to produce the following table shows that the first occurrence of this verse will start on 7th January 2012 and the last occurrence will end on 7th November 2012:
Word Numbers 1433AH / 2012AD Dates
فبأي ءالاء ربكما تكذبان 14/2/1433 15/2/1433 16/2/1433 17/2/1433
44 45 46 47 07-01-2012 08-01-2012 09-01-2012 10-01-2012
59 60 61 62 22-01-2012 23-01-2012 24-01-2012 25-01-2012
67 68 69 70 30-01-2012 31-01-2012 01-02-2012 02-02-2012
78 79 80 81 10-02-2012 11-02-2012 12-02-2012 13-02-2012
86 87 88 89 18-02-2012 19-02-2012 20-02-2012 21-02-2012
96 97 98 99 28-02-2012 29-02-2012 01-03-2012 02-03-2012
110 111 112 113 13-03-2012 14-03-2012 15-03-2012 16-03-2012
124 125 126 127 27-03-2012 28-03-2012 29-03-2012 30-03-2012
132 133 134 135 04-04-2012 05-04-2012 06-04-2012 07-04-2012
152 153 154 155 24-04-2012 25-04-2012 26-04-2012 27-04-2012
164 165 166 167 06-05-2012 07-05-2012 08-05-2012 09-05-2012
174 175 176 177 16-05-2012 17-05-2012 18-05-2012 19-05-2012
186 187 188 189 28-05-2012 29-05-2012 30-05-2012 31-05-2012
196 197 198 199 07-06-2012 08-06-2012 09-06-2012 10-06-2012
211 212 213 214 22-06-2012 23-06-2012 24-06-2012 25-06-2012
220 221 222 223 01-07-2012 02-07-2012 03-07-2012 04-07-2012
226 227 228 229 07-07-2012 08-07-2012 09-07-2012 10-07-2012
233 234 235 236 14-07-2012 15-07-2012 16-07-2012 17-07-2012
242 243 244 245 23-07-2012 24-07-2012 25-07-2012 26-07-2012
255 256 257 258 05-08-2012 06-08-2012 07-08-2012 08-08-2012
268 269 270 271 18-08-2012 19-08-2012 20-08-2012 21-08-2012
275 276 277 278 25-08-2012 26-08-2012 27-08-2012 28-08-2012
284 285 286 287 03-09-2012 04-09-2012 05-09-2012 06-09-2012
291 292 293 294 10-09-2012 11-09-2012 12-09-2012 13-09-2012
296 297 298 299 15-09-2012 16-09-2012 17-09-2012 18-09-2012
303 304 305 306 22-09-2012 23-09-2012 24-09-2012 25-09-2012
311 312 313 314 30-09-2012 01-10-2012 02-10-2012 03-10-2012
318 319 320 321 07-10-2012 08-10-2012 09-10-2012 10-10-2012
326 327 328 329 15-10-2012 16-10-2012 17-10-2012 18-10-2012
336 337 338 339 25-10-2012 26-10-2012 27-10-2012 28-10-2012
346 347 348 349 04-11-2012 05-11-2012 06-11-2012 07-11-2012

This research predicts that a four-day event will repeat itself (Quran 44:10, 44:15) 31 times before a big event (Quran 44:16) takes place on 21 December 2012 as predicted by Western researchers using the astronomically accurate Mayan Calendar:

Quran 44:10 “فَٱرْتَقِبْ يَوْمَ تَأْتِى ٱلسَّمَآءُ بِدُخَانٍۢ مُّبِينٍ”
“Look out for a day when the sky brings clarifying smoke.”

Quran 44:15 “إِنَّا كَاشِفُوا۟ ٱلْعَذَابِ قَلِيلًا ۚ إِنَّكُمْ عَآئِدُونَ”
“We are lifting the punishment a little but you will be back.”

Quran 44:16 “يَوْمَ نَبْطِشُ ٱلْبَطْشَةَ ٱلْكُبْرَىٰٓ إِنَّا مُنتَقِمُونَ”
“On a day when we seize you with a mighty onslaught: We are taking revenge.”

The word “مُنتَقِمُونَ” or “taking revenge” can be seen as revenge for those who belie God’s signs and bounties (ءَالَآءِ).
Further research has revealed an even later date from the same Merciful verse by joining its 31 repeated verse numbers right-to-left (Arabic direction) to produce a 62-digit number that has only two factors:
77757371696765636159575553514947454240383634323028252321181613 =
11108195956680805165653650502135350605769090617575464617311659 * 7
This new 64-digit prime number is then split into new 31 2-digit numbers that are summed up to yield yet another prime Hijri year with a prime digit sum as follows:
11+10+81+95+95+66+80+80+51+65+65+36+50+50+21+35+35+06+05+76+90+90+61+75+75+46+46+17+31+16+59 = 1619 with digit sum 1+6+1+9 = 17.
1619AH maps to 2192AD and the 180-year gap between 2012 and 2192 shows that 2012 will not be the End of the World but hopefully a Spiritual Awakening by all humanity worldwide.
Future generations should have high hope for the year 1619AH or 2192AD as yet another correction to the course of human history because only Allah decides when the End will come and can bring it anytime at the blink of an eye or even nearer:
Quran 16:77
“وَلِلَّهِ غَيْبُ ٱلسَّمَٰوَٰتِ وَٱلْأَرْضِ ۚ وَمَآ أَمْرُ ٱلسَّاعَةِ إِلَّا كَلَمْحِ ٱلْبَصَرِ أَوْ هُوَ أَقْرَبُ ۚ إِنَّ ٱللَّهَ عَلَىٰ كُلِّ شَىْءٍۢ قَدِيرٌ“
“To Allah belongs the Unseen of heavens and earth and The Hour can come at the blink of an eye, or even nearer. Truly! Allah is capable of doing anything.”
Quran is Alive
All of these findings can be changed and forgotten before they ever occur for the Quran is not just a normal book, but literally a living book as per Quran 2:106:
"ما ننسخ من ءاية أو ننسها نأت بخير منها أو مثلها ألم تعلم أن الله على كل شىء قدير"
"Any verse (sign or revelation) that We edit or cause to be forgotten, We bring a better one or similar to it. Don't you know that Allah is capable of doing anything?"
This verse is so unimaginable that Allah the Almighty duly emphasizes its likelihood with the "Don't you know that Allah is capable of doing anything!" reminder and not the common “And Allah is capable of doing anything” factual statement.
Indeed Allah not only “can” but “does” change the verses of the Quran at will, both on paper (including read only media like CD-ROM) and deep inside our minds for better or similar versions that exhibit miracles relevant to each time and no human, jinn, or angel would ever be aware of the change with all copies of the Quran updated instantly and keeps the text sacred at all times as promised in Quran 15:9:
"إِنَّا نَحْنُ نَزَّلْنَا ٱلذِّكْرَ وَإِنَّا لَهُۥ لَحَٰفِظُونَ"
"It is We who have sent down the Message and it is We who guard it from corruption.
It is very difficult to believe that no one thus far has counted the number of verses, words and letters of chapter The Key and didn’t instantly think of prime numbers! It could be that previous text did not produce primes and only recently this numerical miracle was added to warn us of the approaching events of 2012.
This research is at its early stages and is always open to all who wish to joining the group and help it grow and be effective in awakening the general public to take heed and be ready to meet their Creator instead of the endless pursuit of worldly desires and materialism.
Our souls need to conform to the commands of our spirits to please Allah alone and be ready to fight the forces of evil under the banner of our Saviors Imam Mehdi and Prophet Jesus (peace be upon them both).
Muslims and non-Muslims alike need to think collectively as a unit, not as islands of knowledge, despite our differences to try our best to decode Allah’s Message using prime numbers amongst other tools and to make noble use of it for the good of all, not the selfish few.
ٱلْحَمْدُ لِلَّهِ رَبِّ ٱلْعَٰلَمِينَ
Glory to Allah the Sustainer of all worlds, the Seen and Unseen.
1. Allah
The Holy Quran: Recitation of Hefs through Aasim through Ali bin abi Talib. Uthmani Font.
610-632 [23 years of revelations by Allah through angel Gabriel to Prophet Mohammed].
2. John Derbyshire
Prime Obsession: Bernhard Riemann and the Greatest Unsolved Problem in Mathematics
Joseph Henry Press, 2003.
3. David Wells
Prime Numbers: Most Mysterious Figures in Math
John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 2005.
4. Daniel Rockmore
Stalking the Riemann Hypothesis: The Quest to Find the Hidden Law of Prime Numbers
Pantheon Books, 2005.

Ali Adams
<prime numbers are God's signature>

Email: alipoland@yahoo.com
Web: www.geocities.com/aliadams[/QUOTE]

Bref résumé :

Louange de remeriement à allah ! une nouvelle clé pour décoder les mystères du coran vient d'être découvert à l'intérieur de la première sourate appelée encore al fatiha ou l'Ouverture ( la clé ) clé basé sur les nombres premiers. cette recherche a permis d'identifier une méthode extrêmement précise pour prévoir jour par jour ce qui pourrait se passer en 2012 , Mais DIEU est plus savant !


ayant établi que la structure de la fatiha -La Clé- avec 7 versets est établi sur les nombres premiers, tournons nous vers le Coran en entier qui consiste en 114 sourates dont les nombres de versets sont les suivants:

7 + 286 + 200 + 176 + 120 + 165 + 206 + 75 + 129 + 109 + 123 + 111 + 43 + 52 + 99 + 128 + 111 + 110 + 98 + 135 + 112 + 78 + 118 + 64 + 77 + 227 + 93 + 88 + 69 + 60 + 34 + 30 + 73 + 54 + 45 + 83 + 182 + 88 + 75 + 85 + 54 + 53 + 89 + 59 + 37 + 35 + 38 + 29 + 18 + 45 + 60 + 49 + 62 + 55 + 78 + 96 + 29 + 22 + 24 + 13 + 14 + 11 + 11 + 18 + 12 + 12 + 30 + 52 + 52 + 44 + 28 + 28 + 20 + 56 + 40 + 31 + 50 + 40 + 46 + 42 + 29 + 19 + 36 + 25 + 22 + 17 + 19 + 26 + 30 + 20 + 15 + 21 + 11 + 8 + 8 + 19 + 5 + 8 + 8 + 11 + 11 + 8 + 3 + 9 + 5 + 4 + 7 + 3 + 6 + 3 + 5 + 4 + 5 + 6 = 6236 verses.

Bien que le nombre de sourates (114) et le nombre de versts (6236) ne sont pas premiers, Quran 15:87 vien à notre secours:
"وَلَقَدْ ءَاتَيْنَٰكَ سَبْعًا مِّنَ ٱلْمَثَانِى وَٱلْقُرْءَانَ ٱلْعَظِيمَ"
“And We’ve given you seven of the doubles (or praise) and the great Quran.“

" et nus t'avons accordé les septs que l'on repète, ainsi que le coran glorieux " 15:87
Où les septs repetés ont été expliqués par le saint Prophet Mohammed (pbuh & f) comme étant les epts versets de la sourate "l'ouverture" puisque le mot “ٱلْمَثَانِى” (“double”) peut aussi signifier“َثَناءَ” (“louange”) qui démontre enfait comment la sourate enseigne à l'homme de se rapprocher de son seigneur et providence pour sa guidée après lui avoir louangé et exalté sincèrement .
resultat, cette recherche propose que le Quran est composé en deux parties: Une clé pour l'ouverture qui est la sourate al fatiha seule et un message qui consiste en 113 autres chapitres ou sourates .selon l'équation suivante :
Quran = Clé+ Message
114 = 1 + 113 chapitres
6236 = 7 + 6229 verses

Par Dieu!, tout semble être parfaitement enplace puisque 1, 113, 7, et 6229 sont des nombres premiers comme la somme des chiffres qui le compose (1=1, 1+1+3=5, 7=7, 6+2+2+9=19) . SUBHANALLAH!
La sourate Al rahman

le verset:

“Lequel des bienfait de votre seigneur nierez vous?” “فَبِأَىِّ ءَالَآءِ رَبِّكُمَا تُكَذِّبَانِ”
se repête 31 fois dans cette sourate en faisant la somme des versets de cette répétition on produit un nombre premier dont la somme est :

13+16+18+21+23+25+28+30+32+34+36+38+40+42+45+47+49+51+53+55+57+59+61+63+65+67+69+71+73+75+77 = 1433 qui est premier et la somme de ses chiffres aussi 1+4+3+3 = 11 est premier.

This new magical prime proved to be the first valuable finding of this research for it has been confirmed to point to the Hijri year 1433AH (or 2012AD) by none other than Allah (swt) for He made the number of words of this chapter including BismAllah (355) to be the same as the number of days in the year 1433AH that has the following number of days in each month:
30+29+30+30+29+30+30+29+30+29+30+29 = 355 days.
And here is the complete chapter of The Merciful (الرحمن) with the 31 repeated verses highlighted in blue and all its 355 words. Go on, count the number of words and marvel at God’s bounties!

1433 AH correpond à 2012 A.C et le nombre de jour par mois de l'année 2012 selon le calaendrier muslman serait de :

30+29+30+30+29+30+30+29+30+29+30+29 = 355 jours.
réf : http://www.islamicfinder.org/Hcal/hdate_year.php?year=1433&base=h


Le 7 janvier 2012 et le 7 novembre 2012 est la période ou se produirait des événements liés à la structure du code des nombres premiers d'après le calendrier suivant!

Word Numbers 1433AH / 2012AD Dates
فبأي ءالاء ربكما تكذبان 14/2/1433 15/2/1433 16/2/1433 17/2/1433
44 45 46 47 07-01-2012 08-01-2012 09-01-2012 10-01-2012
59 60 61 62 22-01-2012 23-01-2012 24-01-2012 25-01-2012
67 68 69 70 30-01-2012 31-01-2012 01-02-2012 02-02-2012
78 79 80 81 10-02-2012 11-02-2012 12-02-2012 13-02-2012
86 87 88 89 18-02-2012 19-02-2012 20-02-2012 21-02-2012
96 97 98 99 28-02-2012 29-02-2012 01-03-2012 02-03-2012
110 111 112 113 13-03-2012 14-03-2012 15-03-2012 16-03-2012
124 125 126 127 27-03-2012 28-03-2012 29-03-2012 30-03-2012
132 133 134 135 04-04-2012 05-04-2012 06-04-2012 07-04-2012
152 153 154 155 24-04-2012 25-04-2012 26-04-2012 27-04-2012
164 165 166 167 06-05-2012 07-05-2012 08-05-2012 09-05-2012
174 175 176 177 16-05-2012 17-05-2012 18-05-2012 19-05-2012
186 187 188 189 28-05-2012 29-05-2012 30-05-2012 31-05-2012
196 197 198 199 07-06-2012 08-06-2012 09-06-2012 10-06-2012
211 212 213 214 22-06-2012 23-06-2012 24-06-2012 25-06-2012
220 221 222 223 01-07-2012 02-07-2012 03-07-2012 04-07-2012
226 227 228 229 07-07-2012 08-07-2012 09-07-2012 10-07-2012
233 234 235 236 14-07-2012 15-07-2012 16-07-2012 17-07-2012
242 243 244 245 23-07-2012 24-07-2012 25-07-2012 26-07-2012
255 256 257 258 05-08-2012 06-08-2012 07-08-2012 08-08-2012
268 269 270 271 18-08-2012 19-08-2012 20-08-2012 21-08-2012
275 276 277 278 25-08-2012 26-08-2012 27-08-2012 28-08-2012
284 285 286 287 03-09-2012 04-09-2012 05-09-2012 06-09-2012
291 292 293 294 10-09-2012 11-09-2012 12-09-2012 13-09-2012
296 297 298 299 15-09-2012 16-09-2012 17-09-2012 18-09-2012
303 304 305 306 22-09-2012 23-09-2012 24-09-2012 25-09-2012
311 312 313 314 30-09-2012 01-10-2012 02-10-2012 03-10-2012
318 319 320 321 07-10-2012 08-10-2012 09-10-2012 10-10-2012
326 327 328 329 15-10-2012 16-10-2012 17-10-2012 18-10-2012
336 337 338 339 25-10-2012 26-10-2012 27-10-2012 28-10-2012
346 347 348 349 04-11-2012 05-11-2012 06-11-2012 07-11-2012

This research predicts that a four-day event will repeat itself (Quran 44:10, 44:15) 31 times before a big event (Quran 44:16) takes place on 21 December 2012 as predicted by Western researchers using the astronomically accurate Mayan Calendar:

" Un événement de 4 jours se repétera " ( coran 44;10-15) avant un grand événement ( 44:16) qui aura lieu le 21 décembre 2012 tel que prédit par les chercheurs occidentaux utilisant le calendrier astronomique des mayas.

1619 coorespond à 2192 AH, l'écart de 180 années entre 2012 et 2192 suggère qu'une correction au cours de l'histoire humaine aura lieu et que les futures générations retrouveront une grande espérance car DIEU seul décide de la fin du monde et Dieu peut détruire ce monde à tout moment en un clin d'oeil ou plus court.

Quran 16:77
“وَلِلَّهِ غَيْبُ ٱلسَّمَٰوَٰتِ وَٱلْأَرْضِ ۚ وَمَآ أَمْرُ ٱلسَّاعَةِ إِلَّا كَلَمْحِ ٱلْبَصَرِ أَوْ هُوَ أَقْرَبُ ۚ إِنَّ ٱللَّهَ عَلَىٰ كُلِّ شَىْءٍۢ قَدِيرٌ“



cette étude est encore à ses débuts et reste largement ouverte à tous et à toutes qui souhaitent joindre le groupe des chercheurs et apporter leur contribution afin de la rendre plus efficiente pour éclairer le public afin qu'ils se préparent à rencontrer leur créateur au lieu de poursuivre sans fin la vie mondaine avec son matérialisme et ses désirs.

source : http://www.shiachat.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=234964996

N.B:Je suis désolé de ne pouvoir faire plus détaillé, je vous transmets ce que j'ai trouvé, Quand à croire au contenu ou pas, faites jouer votre jugement intuitif, je ne recommende à personne de donner plus ou moins de crédit à ses prédictions SVP !

ma'a Salaam

Afin de ne pas confondre la MYSTIQUE et la GNOSE des Secrets spirituels et métaphysiques avec la MAGIE ou la Sorcellerie diabolique; veuillez s'il vous plait traduire avec www.systran.co.uk ce lien http://www.al-imane.org/forums/showthread.php?t=8253

L'Ayatollah dastaghayb Shirazi détaille ces différentes sciences, explique ce qui est permis ( licite ) et interdit ( illicite ) avec des narrations des IMAMS et des Hadiths du saint prophète :saws:.

Dans des Cas exceptionnels, on peut recourir même à LA MAGIE ou la Sorcellerie pour contrecarer des effets néfastes sur une personne d'après ce savant !

un lien tiré de: www.imamreza.net toujours est il que je n'encourage personne à donner du crédit à ces liens ; demander aux savants de vos sources pour de plus amples confirmations. car après tout; ce n'est que l'opinion de l'Ayatollah dastaghayb qui est valable pour ses muqallids ( ceux qui le suivent comme source d'imitation ou taqlid).

Ma'a Salaam
Asalamou 'aleykoum,

J'ai une question qui me vient à l'esprit. Quel est la sagesse de donner l'exclusivité du Musshaf de Dame Fatima-Zahra (as) à sa descendance (as) ?

Pourquoi ne pas le montrer aux musulmans, afin qu'ils acquièrent la science et s'élèvent spirituellement ?

Asalamou 'aleykoum,

J'ai une question qui me vient à l'esprit. Quel est la sagesse de donner l'exclusivité du Musshaf de Dame Fatima-Zahra (as) à sa descendance (as) ?

Pourquoi ne pas le montrer aux musulmans, afin qu'ils acquièrent la science et s'élèvent spirituellement ?


Que la paix soit sur toi mon frère,

Pour la même raison que certains reçoivent la prophétie et d'autres non, il faut être capable et mériter de le recevoir.
la lumiere de fatema zarla

j ai une question; pourkoi les freres sunnites parle plus de aicha la femmes de notre bien aimer prophete
que khadija alor que tout le monde sait ce qu elle a aporte et contribuer et a endurer pour l islam . est ce que j ai le droit de l elever au desue de aicha tout t en respectant ..et pourkoi nous les (chia
) on ne parle jamais d elle lor de nos reunion discour etc....desoler je sais que c etai pa trop le sujet mais comme on parle de notre lumiere (fatema zarla
) ...
j ai une question; pourkoi les freres sunnites parle plus de aicha la femmes de notre bien aimer prophete
que khadija alor que tout le monde sait ce qu elle a aporte et contribuer et a endurer pour l islam . est ce que j ai le droit de l elever au desue de aicha tout t en respectant ..et pourkoi nous les (chia
) on ne parle jamais d elle lor de nos reunion discour etc....desoler je sais que c etai pa trop le sujet mais comme on parle de notre lumiere (fatema zarla
) ...

Asalamou 'aleykoum,

Non seulement Dame Khadija (as) est supérieur à Aïcha sur des années lumières et non seulement Dame Khadija fait partie des 4 femmes les plus pures et parfaite de l'Histoire de l'humanité. C'est comme comparer l'Imam 'Ali (as) à Mou'awya.

On ne parle pas de Aïcha, car elle a fait l'irréparable. Elle a combattu l'Imam 'Ali (as) et transgresser les ordres divins -ne pas sortir de chez elle. Et dans un célèbre hadith, il est dit que quiconque combat le Messager de Dieu (sws) aura combattu l'Imam 'Ali (as). Quiconque aime 'Ali est un croyant, quiconque le déteste est un hypocrite.

Je préfère m'arrêter ici et ne pas donner mes conclusions.

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