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Les compagnons, seront-ils pardonnés ? Iront-ils peut-être au Paradis ?


As Salamu 'alaykum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh,

Allâhumma Salli 'ala Mohammad Wa Âli Mohammad,

Ce sujet me tiens à coeur, je suis on ne peut plus sérieux, et je vous demande de le construire Insa Allah.

Je vous demande également de ne pas vous énerver, frères sunnites, comme frères chiites. Barak Allahu Fikum.

J'attaque le sujet Insa Allah !

Je voulais savoir si vous pensez que Allah (SWT) pourra pardonner les erreurs des compagnons, si c'est selon vous, une hypothèse à rejeter ou non :

1) Fadak ?

2) Calamité du jeudi ?...

3) Usurpation du califat ? (ce qui d'ailleurs causa apparemment la mort de Muhsin (as))

D'un autre côté, je pense qu'il serait utile d'étudier le comportement de Fatima Az Zahra (as) :

1) D'après ce que j'ai pu lire dans Bukhari, il est écrit que Fatima Az Zahra (as), mourra tout en étant fâchée de Abu Bakr.

2) Je ne sais plus dans quel ouvrage sunnite : Fatima Az Zahra (as) « Je témoigne devant Allah et ses anges que vous (Abu Bakr et Omar) m’avez mise en colère, vous ne m’avez pas rendue satisfaite et je me plaindrai auprès de l’Envoyé de Allah (pslf) à ce sujet quand je le verrai. » = Sahih ?

3) Je sais pas quel ouvrage : Abu Bakr dit alors : « Je cherche la protection contre la colère de Allah et ta colère (celle du Prophète). A cet instant, les larmes coulèrent des yeux de Abu Bakr et Dame Fatima dit : « Je te maudirai dans chaque prière. » = Sahih ?

4) Les Hadith de nos Imams (as) cités par Yaser Habib ?

PS : Je ne comprend pas, parfois il y a des Hadith qui ne figurent ni dans Bukhari, ni Muslim...mais ex : Al Imama wa al Siyasa. Etant donné que c'est bien longtemps après Ar Rasul (SAWAS), d'où viennent-ils ? Peuvent-ils être Sihah ?

Par ailleurs,

1) Je ne comprend pas, tous les Hadith qui mettent en valeur les 3 califes + Aicha, sont-ils tous apocryphes ? Est-ce possible ?

2) Abu Bakr, n'a-t-il pas sauvé Bilal Ibn Rabah Al Habachi (RA) ?

3) Pourquoi 2 des filles de Ar Rasul (SAWAS) auraient épousés Othman Ibn 'affan ?

4) Et Allah (SWT) n'aurait-Il (SWT) pas éloigner Ar Rasul (SAWAS) d'épouser Aicha si elle était mauvaise ?

Barak Allahu Fikum

Qu'Allah (SWT) agréer nos actes

Allâhumma Salli 'ala Mohammad Wa Âli Mohammad

c'est surtout la réponse de savants qu'il faudrait ...
paske venant de nous, cela ne pourra qu' être imprégné de pleins d'erreurs
As Salamu 'alaykum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh,

Allâhumma Salli 'ala Mohammad Wa Âli Mohammad,

Ce sujet me tiens à coeur, je suis on ne peut plus sérieux, et je vous demande de le construire Insa Allah.

Je vous demande également de ne pas vous énerver, frères sunnites, comme frères chiites. Barak Allahu Fikum.

J'attaque le sujet Insa Allah !

Je voulais savoir si vous pensez que Allah (SWT) pourra pardonner les erreurs des compagnons, si c'est selon vous, une hypothèse à rejeter ou non :

1) Fadak ?

2) Calamité du jeudi ?...

3) Usurpation du califat ? (ce qui d'ailleurs causa apparemment la mort de Muhsin (as))

D'un autre côté, je pense qu'il serait utile d'étudier le comportement de Fatima Az Zahra (as) :

1) D'après ce que j'ai pu lire dans Bukhari, il est écrit que Fatima Az Zahra (as), mourra tout en étant fâchée de Abu Bakr.

2) Je ne sais plus dans quel ouvrage sunnite : Fatima Az Zahra (as) « Je témoigne devant Allah et ses anges que vous (Abu Bakr et Omar) m’avez mise en colère, vous ne m’avez pas rendue satisfaite et je me plaindrai auprès de l’Envoyé de Allah (pslf) à ce sujet quand je le verrai. » = Sahih ?

3) Je sais pas quel ouvrage : Abu Bakr dit alors : « Je cherche la protection contre la colère de Allah et ta colère (celle du Prophète). A cet instant, les larmes coulèrent des yeux de Abu Bakr et Dame Fatima dit : « Je te maudirai dans chaque prière. » = Sahih ?

4) Les Hadith de nos Imams (as) cités par Yaser Habib ?

PS : Je ne comprend pas, parfois il y a des Hadith qui ne figurent ni dans Bukhari, ni Muslim...mais ex : Al Imama wa al Siyasa. Etant donné que c'est bien longtemps après Ar Rasul (SAWAS), d'où viennent-ils ? Peuvent-ils être Sihah ?

Par ailleurs,

1) Je ne comprend pas, tous les Hadith qui mettent en valeur les 3 califes + Aicha, sont-ils tous apocryphes ? Est-ce possible ?

2) Abu Bakr, n'a-t-il pas sauvé Bilal Ibn Rabah Al Habachi (RA) ?

3) Pourquoi 2 des filles de Ar Rasul (SAWAS) auraient épousés Othman Ibn 'affan ?

4) Et Allah (SWT) n'aurait-Il (SWT) pas éloigner Ar Rasul (SAWAS) d'épouser Aicha si elle était mauvaise ?

Barak Allahu Fikum

Qu'Allah (SWT) agréer nos actes

Allâhumma Salli 'ala Mohammad Wa Âli Mohammad

Chacun des points que tu as soulevé a été largement débattu en large et en travers, utilise la fonction Recherche, et j'espère que tu y trouveras tes réponses.

Pour ne pas te laisser macérer, je te donne succinctement quelques réponses.

1.- Effectivement, il y a eu création de l'école du FAUX HADITH du temps de Mou'awiya, et le grand clerc fut Abu Hureyra, qui était le seul "compagnon" autorisé par son "maître" à diffuser les hadiths, et cela dura près de 25 ans...
Cela correspond à toute une génération, et cela marque à JAMAIS.
Par ailleurs, du temps d'Abou Bekr, et d'Omar, ils ont rassemblé les hadiths, et ils y ont mis le FEU, tout comme Othmane, fera avec les versions du Coran, qu'il considérait "apocryphe", ou considérées comme telles, par la commission créée à ce sujet.

2.- Abu Bekr, N'a JAMAIS libéré Bilal, :radiallah, mais c'est Khadidja, :as: qui a payé sa rançon.
En effet, Abu Bekr, était si pauvre, qu'il n'avait pas de quoi subsister, et son père, Abi quhafa, est demeuré mendiant toute sa vie...

3.- Les épouses Roqya et Oum Kelthoum, d'Othmane, sont les NIECES de Sayida Khadidja, :as: qui les a élevées après la mort de sa soeur, qui était leur mère.

4.- Pourquoi ne vous posez-vous pas la même question à propos de l'épouse UNIQUE de Sidna Nouh, :as: et celle UNIQUE aussi de Sidna Loth:as: ?
Allah accorde à tout humain, la "liberté" de choix, même s'IL Sait ce que l'humain va faire.

Rassoulou Allah, :saws: n'a pas épousé Aïcha par "amour", mais UNIQUEMENT pour LEGALISER le mariage avec une femme "promise, fiancée, mais dont le mariage n'a pas été conclu".
Aicha, en effet, était FIANCEE avant la conversion de son père à l'Islam, vers -10 avant l'Hégire, mais cependant, comme Ibn Abi Quhafa, (futur Abu Bekr), venait d'embrasser l'Islam, les Qoreichites païens, ont voulu se venger.
Ils ont donc, NON seulement refusé de concrétiser le mariage d'Aïcha, avec son fiancé, mais pire, ils ont INTERDIT quiconque de l'épouser.

Cela dura, jusqu'à l'après Badr, quand sera révélée la sourate, interdisant aux musulmanes d'épouser des "non croyants", et qui considèrent ces fiançailles nulles et de nul effet", Rassoulou Allah, :saws: a donc, mis en pratique ses enseignements en donnant l'EXEMPLE.

4) Et Allah (SWT) n'aurait-Il (SWT) pas éloigner Ar Rasul (SAWAS) d'épouser Aicha si elle était mauvaise ?

Et si nous devons suivre votre logique cher frère Ali-Mohammed, aucun Prophète n'aurait souffert le martyr, l'Imam Hussein aurait été sauvé de la décapitation et ainsi de suite....
laissons les à leur propre sort, occupons de nous

salam aleykum chers frères et soeurs

Dieu tout puissant est pardonneur et miséricordieux mais aussi est juste.

à cause d'eux la destinée de l'humanité a changer, et l'islam a été combattu de l'intérieur jusqu'à maintenant, on tue des croyant(e)s uniquement parce qu'ils / elles ne pensent pas pareil que certains, et cela est un préjudice à l'islam.
en plus le saint prophète tout au long de sa mission prophétique les a mis en garde, ils étaient averti / informer, mais ils ont préférer agir contre l'ordre divine en connaissance de cause.
désobéir au saint prophète (saw) c'est désobéir à ALLAH SWT

si Dieu les pardonnes pour leur méfaits alors ceux/celles qui ont commis moins grave peuvent esperer etre pardonner au mème titre.
mais Dieu est juste dans son jugement, IL rendra la véritable justice

je vous laisse méditer sur ce parole de l'imam ali (as) dans doa kumail:

(lâkinnaka, taqaddast Asmâ’uka, aqsamta ann tamla’ahâ min-al-kâfirîn-a)
لكِنَّكَ تَقَدَّسَت اَسمآؤُكَ اَقسَمْتَ اَن تَمْلأََها مِنَ الكافِرينَ
Mais Tu as - que Tes noms soient sacrés - juré de le remplir (l’enfer) de tous les mécréants,

(min-al-jinnati wa-n-nâsi ajma‘în-a)
مِنَ الجِنَّةِ وَالنّاسِ اَجمَعينَ
des djinns et des humains confondus

(wa an tukhallida fîhâ-I-mu‘ânidîn-a)
وَاَن تُخَلّـِدَ فيهاَ المعُانِدينَ
et d’y garder perpétuellement les récalcitrants.

(wa anta, jalla thanâ'uka qulta mubtadi’an wa tatawwalta bi-I-in‘âmi mutakarriman)
وَاَنتَ جَلَّ ثَنآؤُكَ قُلْتَ مُبْتَدِئاً وَتَطَوَّلْتَ بِالاِنعامِ مُتَكَرِّماً
Et Tu - dont les Louanges sont au-dessus de toute description - as dit, en voulant bien étendre Ta Générosité :
(Afaman kâna mu'minan kaman kâna fâsiqan lâ yastawûn)
اَفَمَنْ كانَ مُؤمِناً كَمَنْ كانَ فاسِقاً لايَستَوُونَ
Le croyant et le pervers ne subiront pas le même traitement

aujourd'hui les croyant(e)s doivent réparer les erreurs pour reunifier la oumma et présenter l'islam véritable à l'humanité. le chemin est long et parsemer d'embuches

leur dossier est devant le créateur (Allah swt) qui les jugera avec justice.
nous les vivants ont doit s'occuper de notre propre dossier pendant ce las de temps que Dieu nous accorde, en ayant un dossier correct, surtout ne pas faire les mêmes erreurs.

(Yâ Rabbi! Yâ Rabbi! Yâ Rabbi !)
يارَبِّ يارَبِّ يارَبِّ
O Seigneur! O Seigneur! O Seigneur !
(yâ Ilâhî wa Sayyidî wa Mawlâya wa Mâliki riqqî !)
يا اِلهي وَسَيِّدي وَمَولايَ وَمالِكَ رِقّي
O mon Dieu! O mon Maître! O mon Souverain! O Détenteur de mes chaînes !

(yâ man bi-yadihi nâçiyatî !)
يامَن بِيَدِهِ ناصِيَتي
O Toi Qui tiens entre Tes mains mon destin!
(yâ ‘Alîman bi-dhurrî wa maskanatî !)
ياعَليماً بِضُرّيَ وَمَسْـكَنَتي
O Toi qui connais mon malheur et mon humilité,
(yâ khabîran bi-faqrî wa fâqatî !)
يَا خَبيراً بِفَقري وَفاقَتي
et qui sais combien je suis pauvre et indigent !

(yâ Rabbi! yâ Rabbi! yâ Rabbi !)
يارَبِّ يارَبِّ يارَبَّ
O Seigneur! O Seigneur! O Seigneur !
(As’aluka, bi-Haqqika wa Qudsika wa A’dhami Çifâ-tika wa Asmâ’ika)
اَسئَلُكَ بِحَقِـّكَ وَقُدسِكَ وَاَعظَمِ صِفاتِكَ وَاَسْمآئِكَ
Je Te demande par Ta droiture, par Ta Sainteté et par les plus grands de Tes Attributs et de Tes Noms,
(ann taj ‘ala awqâtî fî-I-Iayli wan-nahâri )
اَن تَجْعَلَ اَوقاتي فِي اللَّيلِ وَالنَّهارِ
de faire en sorte que je passe mes nuits et jours
(bithikrika ma‘mûratan wa bi-khidmatika maw-çûlatan)
بِذِكرِكَ مَعمُورَةً وَبِخِدمَتِكَ مَوصُولَةً
en T’invoquant et en Te servant sans discontinuité,
(wa a ‘mâlî ‘indaka maqbûlatan)
وَاَعمالي عِندَكَ مَقبُولَةً
et que mes actions soient acceptées par Toi,
(hattâ takûna a‘mâlî wa awrâdî kulluhâ wirdan wâhidan)
حَتَّى تَكونَ اَعمالي وَاَوْرادي كُلُّها وِرْداً واحِداً
afin que mes actes et mes invocations de Ton Nom se transforment en un seul effort soutenu et contenu,
( wa hâlî fî khidmatika sarmadan)
وَحالي في خِدْمَتِكَ سَرْمَداً
et que je sois éternellement à Ton service.
(yâ Sayyidî ! yâ Man ‘alayhi mu‘awwalî ! yâ man ilayhi chakawtu ahwâlî !)
ياسَيـِّدي يامَنْ عَلَيْهِ مُعَوَّلي يامَنْ اِلَيهِ شكَوَتُ اَحوالي
O Mon Maître! O mon Soutien! O Toi à Qui je me suis plaint de mon état !
(yâ Rabbi ! yâ Rabbi ! yâ Rabbi !)
يارَبِّ يارَبِّ يارَبِّ
O Seigneur! O Seigneur! O Seigneur!
(Qawwi ‘alâ khidmatika jawârihi wach-dud ‘alâ-l- ‘azîmati jawânihî)
قَوِّ عَلى خِدْمَتِكَ جَوارِحي وَاشدُد عَلَى العَزِيمَةِ جَوانِحي
Fortifie mes sens pour qu’ils puissent mieux Te servir, et consolide mes côtes pour que je sois plus déterminé (à me mettre à Ta disposition).
(wa-hab liya-I-jidda fî khachyatika, wad-dawâma fîl-ittiçâli bi-khidmatika)
وَهَب لِيَ الجِدَّ في خَشـْيَتِكَ وَالدَّوامَ في الاِتِصالِ بِخِدْمَتِكَ
Donne-moi la possiblilité de Te craindre révérenciellement, et d’être à Ta disposition continuellement,
( hattâ asraha ilayka fî mayâdîn-as-sâbiqîn-a)
حَتّي اَسْرَحَ اِلَيْكَ في مَيادينِ السّابِقينَ
afin que je sois parmi ceux qui rivalisent dans leur course vers Toi,
(wa usri‘a ilayka fil-mubâdirîn-a)
وَاُسرِعَ اِلَيْكَ في المُبادِرينَ
et le plus rapide de ceux qui accourent pour s’approcher de Toi

(wa akhâfaka makhâfat-al-mûqinîn-a).
وَاَخافَكَ مَخافَةَ الموُقِنينَ
et que je Te craigne comme tous les croyants convaincus
(wa ajtami‘a fî jawârika ma‘al-muminîn-a)
وَاَجْتَمِعَ في جِوارِكَ مَعَ المؤُمِنينَ
et afin que je rejoigne auprès de Toi, les gens pieux

yâ Nûr-al-mustawhichîna fî-dh-dhulam-i ! yâ ‘âliman lâ yu‘allam-u)!
يانُورَ المُـْستَوحِشينَ فِي الظُّلَمِ يَا عالِماً لايُعَلَّمُ
O Toi Lumière de ceux qui sont perdus dans les Ténébres! O Toi, l’Omniscient à Qui on ne peut rien apprendre !
(çalli ‘alâ Muhammadin wa âli Muhammad-in wa-f ‘al bî mâ Anta Ahluhu)
صَلِّ عَلى مُحَمَّدٍ وَآلِ مُحَمَّدٍ وافْعَلْ بي ما اَنتَ اَهلُهُ
Prie sur Mohammad et sur sa famille et fais de moi ce dont Tu es Digne.

(wa çallâ-Allâhu ‘alâ Rasûlihi wa-l-A’immat-il-mayâmîna min âlihi wa sallama taslîman kathîrâ)
وَصَلَّى اللهُ عَلى رَسُولِهِ وَالاَئِمَّةِ المَيامينَ مِنْ آلِهِ وَسَلَّمَ تَسليماً كَثِيراً
Dieu a prié sur Son Messager et sur les Imams Bénis de sa famille, en leur accordant pleinement la Paix.
Que la paix soit sur vous mes frères et soeurs,

Je me rappel aussi une phrase je ne sais plus qui l'a dit : Si l'Imam Ali (as) n''avait pas eu toutes ces guerres pendant son caliphat, Il (as) aurait propagé l'Islam dans le monde entier!!!

4-44 Muhammad ibn Musa ibn al-Mutevakil - may God be pleased with him - narrated that Ali ibn al-Hussein al-Sa’ed Abady quoted Ahmad ibn Aba Abdullah al-Barqy, on the authority of his father, on the authority of Muhammad ibn Sin’an, on the authority of Al-Mufaz’zal ibn Umar, on the authority of Abil Jarud Zyad ibn al-Monzar, on the authority of Jabir ibn Yazid al-Jo’afy, on the authority of Jabir ibn Abdullah Al-Ansari,

“Ali ibn Abi Talib (MGB) delivered a sermon, recited praises and glorifications of God. Then he stated, ‘O people! There are four individuals among the Prophet’s companions here. These four well-known companions of God’s Prophet are Anas ibn Malik[394] , Al-Bara ibn Azib, Ash’ath ibn Qays and Khalid ibn Yazid al-Bajaly.

Then Ali (MGB) turned to Anas (ibn Malik) and said, ‘O Anas! You heard God’s Prophet (MGB) say, ‘This Ali is the master of whomever I am the master of.’ However, you are not testifying to my Mastery today. May God strike you with whiteness (vitiligo[395] ) that shall not be hidden by a turban.’

And you O Ash’ath! You heard God’s Prophet (MGB) say, ‘This Ali is the master of whomever I am the master of.’ However, you are not testifying to my Mastery today. May God not take away your life before both your eyes go blind!’

And you O Khalid ibn Yazid (al-Bajaly)! You heard God’s Prophet (MGB) say, ‘This Ali is the master of whomever I am the master of. O my God! Be friends with whomever is his friend, and be the enemy of whoever is his enemy.’ However, you are not testifying to my Mastery today. May God not take away your life except as it was in the Age of Ignorance!’

And you O Bara ibn Azib! You heard God’s Prophet (MGB) say, ‘This Ali is the master of whomever I am the master of. O my God! Be friends with whomever is his friend, and be the enemy of whoever is his enemy.’ However, you are not testifying to my Mastery today. May God not take away your life except in the place where you emigrated from!”

Jabir ibn Abdullah al-Ansari added, “I swear by God that I saw Anas ibn Malik[396] who had become ill with vitiligo so badly that he could never cover it up with his turban. I saw Ash’ath ibn Qays with his both of his eyes blind. He kept on saying, ‘I praise God who fulfilled the curse of Ali ibn Abi Talib (MGB) on me in this world and that Ali (MGB) did not curse me to be tortured in the Hereafter!’

Also when Khalid ibn Yazid (al-Bajaly) died, his next of kin buried him in the house. When the Kondeh tribe heard about this, they brought a horse and a camel and slaughtered both in his house as it was the common practice during the Age of Ignorance!’ And Al-Bara ibn Azib was appointed as the governor of Yemen by Muawiyah. He died in the place where he had migrated from.”

5-24 Ahmad ibn Zyad ibn Ja’far al-Hamedany - may God be pleased with him - narrated that Ali ibn Ibrahim ibn Hashim quoted his father, on the authority of Muhammad ibn Abi Umayr, on the authority of Aba ibn (Uthman) al-Ahmar who linked it up through a chain of narrators to Al-Saqafy, “Those who made fun of God’s Prophet (MGB) were five: They were al-Walid ibn Muqayrih al-Makhzoomi, al-As ibn Va’el al-Sahmi, Al-Aswad ibn Abdeh Yaqouth al-Zohri, Aswad ibn Abdul Mutalib and al-Tala’talat al-Saqafy.”
5-25 Ahmad ibn al-Hassan al-Qat’tan narrated that Abul Qasim Abdul Rahman ibn Muhammad al-Hassani quoted Abul Abbas Muhammad ibn Ali al-Khorasani, on the authority of Abu Sa’id Sahl ibn Salih al-Ab’basi on theauthority of his father and Ibrahim ibn Abdul Rahman al-E’lee[485] , on the authority of Musa ibn Ja’far ibn Muhammad ibn Ali ibn al-Hussein ibn Ali ibn Abi Talib, on the authority of his father Muhammad ibn Ali, on the authority of his father Ali ibn al-Hussein (MGB), on the authority of his father Al-Hussein ibn Ali (MGB) that in response to a question asked by a Syrian Jew who was one of the learned men of the Syrian Jews, the Commander of the Faithful Imam Ali (MGB) told him, “Regarding those who make fun of us it is enough to note what the Honorable the Exalted God says, ‘For sufficient are We unto thee against those who scoff’[486] God killed all five of them on one day. One day Al-Walid ibn Muqayrih passed a man from the Khaza’eh clan who had spread his arrows on the ground and was sharpening them. One of the arrows flew up, hit him, cut his jugular vein and blood ran down his neck until he died, while he was yelling ‘Muhammad’s God killed me!’ Al-As ibn Va’el al-Sahmi went out of his house to Arafat[487] in order to fulfill his needs. A pebble rolled under his foot and he fell down. He died while he was yelling ‘Muhammad’s God killed me!’ Al-Aswad ibn Abdeh Yaqouth went out with his servant to meet his son Zameh. He rested under the shadow of a tree which was on the slope of a hill. Gabriel (MGB) came down, grabbed his head and beat it against the tree. Then he told his servant, ‘Save me from this man!’ His servant replied, ‘I do not see anyone there. You are beating your head on the tree yourself.’ He died while he was yelling ‘Muhammad’s God killed me!’

The compiler of the book - may God be pleased with him - said, ‘In another tradition it has been narrated that the Prophet (MGB) had cursed Al-Aswad (ibn Abdeh Yaqouth) and had wished that God make him blind and kill his child. On the day when he reached that place, Gabriel (MGB) touched him with a green leaf which made him blind. He survived until the Honorable the Exalted God took away the life of his son in the Battle of Badr and then he himself died.’
And Al-Harith ibn al-Tala’talat left his house when a hot wind was blowing. The wind blew upon him until he became like an Ethiopian man since he had become very black-faced. When he returned home, he was asked, ‘Who are you?’ He said, ‘I am Al-Harith.’ However, they did not believe him. They became so angry with him that they killed him. He died while he was yelling ‘Muhammad’s God killed me!’
Al-Aswad ibn Abdul Mutalib[488] ate a salty fish. He became very thirsty. He drank a lot of water and his stomach swelled up. He died while he was yelling ‘Muhammad’s God killed me!’ All this happened at the same time. That was because they had gone to God’s Prophet (MGB) and said, ‘If you put aside what you claim until noon, it is fine. If not we will kill you.’ The Prophet (MGB) returned home while he was sad and had locked himself up. At that time, Gabriel (MGB) descended to him and said, ‘O Muhammad! God greets you and says ‘Openly attend to what you have been ordered to do.’ This means that he (MGB) should publicly announce his call to the people of Mecca and ‘turn away from the atheists.’ The Prophet (MGB) had said, ‘O Gabriel! How should I deal with those who make fun of me and those who are my enemies?’ Gabriel (MGB) had replied, ‘The Exalted God says, ‘For sufficient are We unto thee against those who scoff.
[489] ’’ Then the Prophet (MGB) said, ‘They were all with me recently and threatened me.’ Gabriel (MGB) said, ‘We will get rid of them!’ It was then that the Prophet (MGB) openly invited people to Islam.”

This is a long narration. I have already included as much of it as necessary here. I have presented the full tradition at the end of the fourth section of my book Kitab al-Nabuwat.

5-68 Muhammad ibn al-Hassan ibn Ahmad ibn al-Walid - may God be pleased with him - narrated that Muhammad ibn al-Hassan al-Saffar quoted Al-Hassan ibn Ali al-Kufy, on the authority of Ishaq ibn Ibrahim, on the authority of Nasr ibn Qaboos that he had heard Aba Abdullah as-Sadiq (MGB) say, “The following people are cursed: an astrologer; a Jewish priest; a magician; a female singer and those who give them a place to live and earn an income from their work.”

As-Sadiq (MGB) added, “An astrologer is like a priest; a priest is like a magician; a magician is like an atheist and an atheist goes to Hell.”
The compiler of the book - may God be pleased with him - said, “What is meant by ‘an astrologer is damned’ is that the astrologer who claims that the universe has always existed, denies its Creator and doesn’t believe in the Honorable the Exalted God is damned.”

5-76 Muhammad ibn al-Hassan - may God be pleased with him - narrated that Ahmad ibn Idris quoted Muhammad ibn Ahmad, on the authority of Abi Ishaq Ibrahim ibn Hashim, on the authority of Amr ibn Uthman, on the authority of Muhammad ibn Azafer, on the authority of Abi Hamzih al-Somali, on the authority of Muhammad ibn Muslim that Abi Ja’far al-Baqir (MGB) said, “There are five blessed and the five cursed mosques in Kufa. The blessed mosques are:

the Qena Mosque which has a straight direction to the Qibla and clean soil. A believing man has built it. This world will not end until two springs emerge from it and two gardens will grow there. However, those who attend that mosque are damned and the mosque hates them.

The other ones are the Bani Zafar Mosque, the Al-Sahleh Mosque, a mosque in Al-Khamra, and the Ja’fi Mosque - not the mosque that exists today since that mosque has been ruined. The five cursed mosques are: the Saqif Mosque, the Mosque of Al-Ashas (ibn Qays Al-Kindi. It is said that he had built a pulpit in that mosque and continuously insulted Ali (MGB) from it), the Jarir al-Bajaly Mosque, the Samak Mosque and a Mosque in Khamra which was built upon the grave of one of the Pharaohs.”

7-25 Muhammad ibn Musa ibn al-Mutevakil - may God be pleased with him - narrated that Muhammad ibn Yahya al-Attar quoted Muhammad ibn Ahmad, on the authority of Ahmad ibn Muhammad, on the authority of Abil Qasim al-Kufy, on the authority of Abdul-Mumin al-Ansari, on the authority of Abi Ja’far al-Baqir (MGB), “God’s Prophet (MGB) said, ‘I have cursed seven groups. God and all the other Prophets (MGB) whose prayers are sure to be fulfilled have also cursed them.’

They asked him (MGB), ‘Who are they?’ The Prophet (MGB) replied, ‘They are those who add things to the Quran; those who deny Divine Destiny; those who oppose my traditions; those who allow what has been forbidden regarding my Itrat[631] ; those who come into power by force so as to debase those who are endeared by God, and to endear those who are debased by God; those who consider lawful what the Honorable the Exalted God has established to be unlawful.’”

7-26 Muhammad ibn Umar al-Hafiz quoted on the authority of Abu Ja’far Muhammad ibn al-Hussein ibn Hafs al-Khas’ami, on the authority of Sabit ibn Qarim al-Sanjari, on the authority of Abdul Malik ibn Valid, on the authority of Amr ibn Abdul-Jab’bar, on the authority of Abdullah ibn Zyad, on the authority of Zayd ibn Ali, on the authority of his father, on the authority of his grandfather, on the authority of Ali (MGB) that the Prophet (MGB) said,

God and all the Prophets (MGB) whose prayers are sure to be fulfilled have cursed seven groups of people. They are those who change the Quran; those who deny Divine Destiny; those who change the tradition of God’s Prophet; those who allow what has been forbidden regarding my Itrat; those who come into power by force so as to debase those who are endeared by God, and to endear those who are debased by God; those who consider lawful what the Honorable the Exalted God has established to be unlawful; and those who are too proud with those who worship the Honorable the Exalted God.”
54- Indeed I heard God’s Prophet (MGB) say, ‘O Ali! Soon the Umayyads will curse you, but God’s angels will return their curse one-thousand fold. When our Riser (MGB) uprises, he (MGB) will curse them for forty years.

55- God’s Prophet (MGB) said, ‘Several tribes from my nation will be tried regarding you. They will say, ‘Why has God’s Prophet (MGB) made Ali (MGB) his Trustee although he left nothing? Is not the Book of my Lord - the Glorious Quran the best things after the Honorable the Exalted God? I swear by Him who appointed me rightfully that if you do not compile the Quran, it will never be compiled.’ Thus, did the Honorable the Exalted God honor me in such a way that none of the other companions of the Prophet (MGB) have been honored.
Que la paix soit sur toi mon frère,

Cher frère, pouvez vous traduire ce que vous avez poster pour que les francophones puissent en profiter.

Que Dieu vous garde.

Je vous prie d'utiliser google translator, car je n'ai malheureusement pas le temps de traduire.


12-4 Ali ibn Ahmad ibn Abdullah ibn Ahmad ibn Aba Abdullah Al-Barqy narrated that his father quoted his grandfather Ahmad ibn Aba Abdullah Al-Barqy, on the authority of Al-Nahiki, on the authority of Abu Muhammad Khalif ibn Salim, on the authority of Muhammad ibn Ja’far, on the authority of Al-Shu’bat, on the authority of Uthman ibn al-Muqayrih, on the authority of Zayd ibn Wahab, “Those who were opposed to the rule of Abu Bakr before Ali ibn Abi Talib (MGB) were twelve persons from the Emigrants (Muhajerin) and the Helpers (Ansar). The ones from amongst the Emigrants (Muhajerin) were Sa’ed ibn Al-As; al-Miqdad ibn al-Aswad; Abi ibn Ka’ab; Ammar ibn Yasir; Abuzar al-Qaffari; Salman al-Farsi; Abdullah ibn Mas’ood; and Baridat al-Aslami. And those who were from the Helpers (Ansar) were Khazimat ibn Sabit Zulshahadatein; Sahl ibn Hanif; Abu Ayoob Al-Ansari; Abul Haysam ibn al-Tayhan and others.
When Abu Bakr sat on God’s Prophet’s (MGB) pulpit as the Caliph they consulted with each other in this regard. Some of them said, ‘Let us go and force him down from the pulpit.’ The others said, ‘This would be like contributing to our own destruction and the Honorable the Exalted God has said, ‘And make not your own hands contribute to (your) destruction;’[831] It is better that we all go to see Ali ibn Abi Talib (MGB) and consult with him to see what he says.’
Then they all went to see Ali (MGB) and said, ‘O the Commander of the Faithful! You have given up your position and your due right. We do not want to take Abu Bakr down from the pulpit without consulting with you.’
Ali (MGB) told them, ‘A war would break out if you do so. You are nothing when compared with them in terms of force. The people have agreed to his Caliphate now and have not acted according to what the Prophet (MGB) said. They have denied their Lord! I consulted with my family on this issue. They believe that there is no solution except being silent since these people hate the Honorable the Exalted God and the Prophet’s Household. They want to retaliate for the blood shed in the Age of Ignorance. I swear by God that if you do so, they will unsheathe their swords and become ready for a battle as they quarreled with me so much that they defeated me; dominated over me; surrounded me and said, ‘Either you pledge allegiance or we will kill you.’ I had no way except to protect myself since I remembered the words of God’s Prophet (MGB) who told me, ‘O Ali! If these people did not let you become the Caliph; disagreed with you and disobeyed my orders regarding you, you must be patient until God descends an order for you. Beware that they will certainly deceive you. You should not give them any excuses, since then they will belittle you and shed your blood. Gabriel has informed me on the authority of the Blessed the Sublime God that the nation will break their pledge of allegiance after me.’ You should all go to that man and tell him what you have heard from your Prophet (MGB), so that he may have no doubts in what he is doing. It would be best to give him an ultimatum so that he deserves a greater punishment from his Lord, since he has disobeyed God’s Prophet (MGB) and has acted against his orders.’

Then they all waited until Friday when they surrounded the pulpit of God’s Prophet (MGB). The Helpers (Ansar) told the Emigrants (Muhajerin), ‘Indeed the Honorable the Exalted God has preferred you to the Helpers and said, ‘Allah turned with favor to the Prophet, the Muhajers and the Ansar …’[832]

Therefore, you may speak first. Because of this the first one who stood up and started to speak was Khalid ibn Saeed ibn Aas with the support of the Umayyads. He said, ‘O Abu Bakr! I admonish you to fear God. You well know what God’s Prophet (MGB) has said about Ali (MGB). Don’t you know that on the day of the Battle of the Qariza clan, (when we were all around him) faced the noble ones of us - and said, ‘O Emigrants (Muhajerin) and Helpers (Ansar)! I have a recommendation to you which you must honor. I have an order which you must obey. Beware that Ali (MGB) is your Commander and my Trustee after me. My Lord advised me so. If you do not respect my will in this regard, and do not support and assist him, you will fall into disunion regarding your decrees. Your religious affairs will be in a mess, and the most wicked ones amongst you will take charge of your affairs. The members of my Household are in charge of the affairs after me. They are to run the affairs of my nation after me. O my Lord! Please include anyone who honors my will regarding Ali (MGB) to be amongst those who are resurrected along with me. Also grant them some of my Friendship with which they can become prosperous in the Hereafter. O my God! Please forbid Paradise which is wider than the heavens and the Earth for whoever mistreats my Household.’

When Khalid said this Umar ibn al-Khat’tab yelled and said, ‘O Khalid! Shut up. You are not one of the members of the council or the ones on whose sayings we could rely.’

Then Khalid said, ‘O Ibn al-Khat’tab! You should shut up. I swear by God that you well know that you are not just saying what you yourself think. Rather, you are defending other people’s interests. I swear by God that all of the Quraysh know that my lineage is nobler than everyone else. I am the most literate, the most well-known one and expect the least from God and His Prophet (MGB), but you are of the worst lineage, the most infamous one that is much more distant from the Honorable the Exalted God and His Prophet (MGB). Indeed you are a coward in fighting, stingy at times of drought, and of a base lineage. You have nothing to be proud of amongst the Quraysh.’ Thus, Khalid silenced him and sat down.

Then Abuzar - may God have Mercy upon him - stood up, praised God, expressed God’s glorifications and said, ‘O group of the Emigrants (Muhajerin) and the Helpers (Ansar)! You and the good ones amongst you all know well that God’s Prophet (MGB) said, ‘The Rule over the affairs belongs to Ali (MGB) after me. After him, it belongs to Al-Hassan (MGB) and al-Hussein (MGB). Then after them it belongs to the members of my Holy Household from the progeny of Al-Hussein (MGB). You have ignored what God’s Prophet (MGB) said. You have become materialists and have forgotten what God’s Prophet (MGB) said. You have forsaken the permanent blessings of the Hereafter which is everlasting and never ends or gets ruined where the residents neither grieve nor die. You have become just like the deviated nations who changed the orders of their Prophets after them. Soon you will be bitterly punished for your deeds. God doesn’t oppress His servants.’

Abuzar finished his speech and then Salman al-Farsi - may God have Mercy upon him - stood up and said, ‘O Abu Bakr! Who do you cite when you issue your judgements and to whom do you seek refuge when you are asked things which you do not know? Who is more knowledgeable in the nation than you are? Who is closer to God’s Prophet (MGB) than you are? Who has a more extensive background with God’s Prophet (MGB) than you do? You have ignored the Prophet’s orders which he (MGB) issued when he (MGB) was alive. You have forgotten the Prophet’s (MGB) will. Soon everything will become very clear for you when you die and enter the graveyard with a heavy load of sins and wicked deeds. When you enter your grave you will find exactly what you sent ahead of yourself.

If you pay attention to the truth and be fair and acknowledge the right of the just ones, it will save you on a Day on which you will be in need of your own deeds and when you will be left alone in your grave with your (own) deeds. You have heard what we have heard and you have seen what we have seen. Why do these remarks not prevent you from doing what you are doing? I beseech you by God to consider God. Whoever ponders over things in advance would act according to what is right.’

Then Al-Miqdad ibn al-Aswad - may God have Mercy upon him - stood up and said, ‘O Abu Bakr! First measure yourself and see how much you measure up to. Sit in your own house and cry over your sins, since that would be better for you in this life and after your death. Return the position of the Caliphate to the one whom God and His Prophet (MGB) have already determined. Do not rely on this world as your supporter and do not let these lowly people deceive you. Soon the world will end for you and you will be taken to your Lord to be rewarded for what you have done. You know well that the position of the Caliphate belongs to Ali (MGB). He (MGB) is the one to whom it belongs to after God’s Prophet (MGB). I have only advised you. You may accept it or not as you please.’

Then Barideh Aslami stood up and said, ‘O Abu Bakr! Have you really forgotten things or do you pretend to have forgotten? Are you deceiving yourself? Don’t you remember that God’s Prophet (MGB) ordered us to greet Ali (MGB) as the Commander of the Faithful during his lifetime. Fear God and get a grip on yourself before it gets too late. Save yourself from destruction! Leave the position of Caliphate and entrust it to the one who deserves it. Do not go astray. Return while you still can. I have only advised you and did my best. You may accept it or not as you please. You will become triumphant and prosper if you accept it.’

Then Abdullah ibn Mas’ood stood up and said, ‘O the Quraysh clan! You and all the good ones amongst you well know that the members of the Household of your Prophet are closer to God’s Prophet (MGB) than you are. If you claim the position of the Caliphate to be for the relatives of God’s Prophet (MGB) and say you have a background in Islam, then the members of the Household of God’s Prophet (MGB) are closer to him (MGB) than you are. They are closer to God’s Prophet (MGB) and have a more extensive background with him. Ali ibn Abi Talib (MGB) is in charge of this after your Prophet (MGB). Therefore, entrust to him what God has already entrusted him with and do not step backwards, since then you may experience a detrimental ending.’ Then, Ammar ibn Yasir stood up and said, ‘O Abu Bakr! Do not grasp by force the right which God has granted to someone else. Do not be the first one to disobey God’s Prophet and oppose him regarding his Household. Return the right to its owner. Lighten the load and burden on your back and meet God’s Prophet in such a manner that he (MGB) may be pleased with you. Then you may go to the Merciful God for the Reckoning of your deeds and asking you about what you have done.’

Then Khuzayma ibn Sabit Zul-Shuhadatayn stood up and said, ‘O Abu Bakr! Don’t you know that God’s Prophet accepted my testimony alone and did not ask for anyone else’s testimony?’

Abu Bakr replied, ‘Yes.’ Khuzayma said, ‘I swear by God and bear witness that I heard God’s Prophet (MGB) say, ‘The members of my Household are the ones who distinguish the difference between right and wrong. In fact, they are the Divine Leaders whom you must follow.’’

Then Abul Haysam ibn al-Teehan stood up and said, ‘O Abu Bakr! I bear witness to the Prophet (MGB) and his Holy Household that God’s Prophet (MGB) raised up Ali (MGB) by his arm.’

Then the Helpers said, ‘The Prophet (MGB) indeed raised him up by his arm for the position of Trusteeship.’ Others said, ‘The Prophet (MGB) raised him up so that the people could know who is the Master of whomever the Prophet (MGB) is the master of and that the Prophet (MGB) had said, ‘Beware that the members of my Household are the stars on the Earth! Honor them and do not surpass them.’’

Then Sahl ibn Hanif stood up and said, ‘I bear witness that I have heard God’s Prophet (MGB) say the following from the pulpit, ‘Your Divine Leader after me will be Ali ibn Abi Talib (MGB). He is the one person who is the most caring of the nation!’’

Then Abu Ayoob al-Ansari stood up and said, ‘Fear God regarding the members of the Holy Household of your Prophet and return this Rule to them. You should listen and obey as we did from the Prophet (MGB) in one position after another as they are more deserving for that rank than you are.’ Then he sat down.

Then Zayd ibn Wahab stood up and spoke. Then a group of people stood up after him and spoke likewise saying similar things.

It has been reported on the authority of one of the trustworthy companions of God’s Prophet that after this session Abu Bakr stayed in his house for three days.

On the third day Umar ibn al-Khat’tab, Talha, Zubayr, Uthman ibn Affan, Abdul Rahman ibn Oaf, Sa’ed ibn Abi Vaq’qas, Abu Ubaydat ibn al-Jarah each accompanied with ten men armed with swords went to his house and took him to the pulpit. One of them announced, ‘Should any of you say what he said before, we shall tear him into pieces with our swords.’ Thus, they stayed home and did not say anything any more.
Que la paix soit sur toi mon frère,

Cher frère, pouvez vous traduire ce que vous avez poster pour que les francophones puissent en profiter.

Que Dieu vous garde.


Il faut prendre tout ce qui vient d'Al-Maaref foundation avec des pincettes, c'est une sorte de clone de "Jafaryanews.com" avec des confiseries mielleuses truffées de poisons latents pour dévoyer les ignorants et autres profanes...

Je le dis en toute connaissance de cause, une certaine "splzo", modératrice de shiachat étant l'une de ses personnes qui balance autant de patates chaudes anti-oussoulis, Anti Marja's et anti Wilayat Al faqih qu'elle tire de "Maaref-foundation et Associés". Bien sûr que L'islam accepte tout ce qui est VRAI, mais l'islam rejette aussi tout ce qui est FAUX et contraire au texte Coranique...

Secundo, des hadiths sans sources ni référence n'ont même pas la valeur du poids en papier sur lequel ils sont transcris...

"Ceux qui écrivent de leurs propres mains des récits et qui les attribuent à Dieu et/ou à ses messagers..."

Voilà pour une sorte de mise au point quand à ces récits...sans tête, ni queue issue de "la maison de l'araignée" ( la toile du net )!

Ma'a Salaam

Ces hadiths sont tirés de Al-Khisal de Sheikh Saduq. Cette source est très connue, je l'ai chez moi, et ces hadiths sont authentiques.

Si vous contestez des hadiths, je vous prie de dire lesquels, et pour quelle raison, et ce, basé sur des arguments solides et non en calomniant les gens sans aucune preuve.

Veuillez vous renseigner avant de jeter le doute dans les esprits des gens, sans aucune preuve, et en les déviant de la voie authentique de l'Islam.

D'ailleurs, ces hadiths ne font que répéter ce qui se trouve dans les sources sunnites elles-mêmes, bien que les déformateurs de la Religion ait brouillé les pistes, et ces sources sunnites je les ai également en ma possession.

Pour ceux qui ne peuvent tout vérifier, référez-vous à l'ouvrage : Repères des deux écoles, sur le site de Bostani. http://www.bostani.com/archive/repere.htm

Ces hadiths sont tirés de Al-Khisal de Sheikh Saduq. Cette source est très connue, je l'ai chez moi, et ces hadiths sont authentiques.

Si vous contestez des hadiths, je vous prie de dire lesquels, et pour quelle raison, et ce, basé sur des arguments solides et non en calomniant les gens sans aucune preuve.

Veuillez vous renseigner avant de jeter le doute dans les esprits des gens, sans aucune preuve, et en les déviant de la voie authentique de l'Islam.

D'ailleurs, ces hadiths ne font que répéter ce qui se trouve dans les sources sunnites elles-mêmes, bien que les déformateurs de la Religion ait brouillé les pistes, et ces sources sunnites je les ai également en ma possession.

Pour ceux qui ne peuvent tout vérifier, référez-vous à l'ouvrage : Repères des deux écoles, sur le site de Bostani. http://www.bostani.com/archive/repere.htm



Vérité déplacée de son contexte n'est plus vérité...
Que la paix soit sur vous mes frères et soeurs,

Je me rappel aussi une phrase je ne sais plus qui l'a dit : Si l'Imam Ali (as) n''avait pas eu toutes ces guerres pendant son caliphat, Il (as) aurait propagé l'Islam dans le monde entier!!!

Selon Abou Hourayra
le Messager d'Allah :saws: a dit : «Le croyant fort est plus aimé d'Allah
que le croyant faible et dans les deux il y a un bien. Recherche avec énergie tout ce qui te fait du bien, demande ainsi à Allah
et ne faiblis jamais. Si un malheur te touche ne dis pas : "Si j'avais fait telle chose il ne m'aurait pas touché", mais dis : "Allah
en a prédestiné ainsi et, ce qu'Il a voulu, Il l'a fait", car le mot "si" ouvre la voie à l'œuvre de Satan»

Bien entendu c'est un hadith dit Sunnite donc libre a vous de prendre note de ce hadith ou pas. :)
As Salamu 'alaykum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh,

Allâhumma Salli 'ala Mohammad Wa Âli Mohammad,

Ce sujet me tiens à coeur, je suis on ne peut plus sérieux, et je vous demande de le construire Insa Allah.

Je vous demande également de ne pas vous énerver, frères sunnites, comme frères chiites. Barak Allahu Fikum.

J'attaque le sujet Insa Allah !

Je voulais savoir si vous pensez que Allah (SWT) pourra pardonner les erreurs des compagnons, si c'est selon vous, une hypothèse à rejeter ou non :

1) Fadak ?

2) Calamité du jeudi ?...

3) Usurpation du califat ? (ce qui d'ailleurs causa apparemment la mort de Muhsin (as))

D'un autre côté, je pense qu'il serait utile d'étudier le comportement de Fatima Az Zahra (as) :

1) D'après ce que j'ai pu lire dans Bukhari, il est écrit que Fatima Az Zahra (as), mourra tout en étant fâchée de Abu Bakr.

2) Je ne sais plus dans quel ouvrage sunnite : Fatima Az Zahra (as) « Je témoigne devant Allah et ses anges que vous (Abu Bakr et Omar) m’avez mise en colère, vous ne m’avez pas rendue satisfaite et je me plaindrai auprès de l’Envoyé de Allah (pslf) à ce sujet quand je le verrai. » = Sahih ?

3) Je sais pas quel ouvrage : Abu Bakr dit alors : « Je cherche la protection contre la colère de Allah et ta colère (celle du Prophète). A cet instant, les larmes coulèrent des yeux de Abu Bakr et Dame Fatima dit : « Je te maudirai dans chaque prière. » = Sahih ?

4) Les Hadith de nos Imams (as) cités par Yaser Habib ?

PS : Je ne comprend pas, parfois il y a des Hadith qui ne figurent ni dans Bukhari, ni Muslim...mais ex : Al Imama wa al Siyasa. Etant donné que c'est bien longtemps après Ar Rasul (SAWAS), d'où viennent-ils ? Peuvent-ils être Sihah ?

Par ailleurs,

1) Je ne comprend pas, tous les Hadith qui mettent en valeur les 3 califes + Aicha, sont-ils tous apocryphes ? Est-ce possible ?

2) Abu Bakr, n'a-t-il pas sauvé Bilal Ibn Rabah Al Habachi (RA) ?

3) Pourquoi 2 des filles de Ar Rasul (SAWAS) auraient épousés Othman Ibn 'affan ?

4) Et Allah (SWT) n'aurait-Il (SWT) pas éloigner Ar Rasul (SAWAS) d'épouser Aicha si elle était mauvaise ?

Barak Allahu Fikum

Qu'Allah (SWT) agréer nos actes

Allâhumma Salli 'ala Mohammad Wa Âli Mohammad

je pense que les Compagnons:)radiallah) iront au Paradis INCH'ALLAH.
Si ils ne vont pas au Paradis j'aurais peur pour moi qui n'a pas fait grand chose de bien POUR l'Islam comparés a eux...
SALEM,le jugement n'appartient qu'a ALLAH:azwj:et personne ne dois porter de jugement.L'homme ne mourra pas tant qu'il n'aura pas eut les meme defaut que l'homme critiquer on n'a beau faire du bien on ne retiendra que le mal que tu a fait(surtout faire attention au faut temoignage que se soit dans les hadith ou dans les dire des savant et surtout a la mauvaise interpretation de celui qui entand le dire

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